This program converts a sequence of Morse characters into their equivalent reverse or 'negative' form.
Non-Directional Beacons (NDBs) are sometimes received in their 'negative' mode due to a transmitter fault.
When you would normally hear a tone you hear silence and vice versa - everything else follows from that.
The program displays the entered call characters in Morse characters, and on the next line it lines up the equivalent in negative form.
('X' becomes 'S')
To use B_KEYER:
Enter the heard call character(s) in upper or lower case. e.g. 'CA'.
If you heard the normal ID plus an additional 'e', this indicates the transmitter is in emergency mode. You can add '(e)' to represent this behaviour, e.g. 'CA(e)'.
If you heard an extra-long dash (a 'tail' or DAID) between call repeats, add a '=' as a suffix to represent the dash, e.g. 'CA='.
If you hear a signal which could be made up from two or more normal morse codes, add a '+' between two characters,
e.g. 'C+A' for '___ _ ___ _ _ ___'.
The program shows
' ? '
to represent the silence or the DAID between repeats of the call. The '?' is because the gap length varies a lot from NDB to NDB.
You can also use B-KEYER backwards - to input an 'as heard' negative and find the equivalent positive.
This is a bit more difficult.
Listen VERY CAREFULLY to be sure you have heard the suspect neg. accurately.
When selecting the character(s) to enter, remember '=' means a DAID (if any).
Try it now with 'FA=' It gives 'D' or 'S', then 'R', then 'T' or 'E' i.e. 'DRT' or 'DRE' or 'SRT' or 'SRE' are the possible positives.
Try entering each to B-KEYER as positives. You'll see that the negatives of all four could sound like 'FA' with a long dash.
Finally check your records for an NDB around that freq. with a matching call. If you find one, you have probably succeeded!
(C) 2003 by Brian Keyte all rights reserved, including the right to future derivative works.
This program is freeware. It may be copied freely but not modified by the user.
The original code has been ported to PHP/HTML/CSS by J. Rabe in June 2020
We'll be pleased to have any comments and suggestions to improve the program.
( email: bkeyte(at) )
( email: rabej_de(at) )