RNA logs for Log session 6791 for Douglas Springfield, New Chapel Hill, TX, USA - EM22jg (5 records sorted by Frequency and Callsign) A - Active D - Logged between 10am and 2pm local time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm KHZ ID Type A LSB USB sec fmt PWR KM Miles GSQ Lat Lon D SP ITU QTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-12-08 06:51 230 TBT NDB Y 4856 3017 FI55as -4.2292 -69.9583 N BRA Tabatinga 2021-12-08 03:34 355 SNO NDB Y 1000 7734 4805 FF46ei -33.6458 -71.625 N CHL Santo Domingo 2021-12-08 03:28 405 CON NDB Y 200 7378 4584 GG16gn -23.4375 -57.4583 N PRG Concepcion 2021-12-08 03:28 405 MAS NDB Y 4246 2638 FI07wq -2.3125 -78.125 N EQA Macas 2021-12-08 03:31 415 SLS NDB Y 4115 2557 EI97mt -2.1875 -80.9583 N EQA Salinas (Guayas) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------