RWW logs for Log session 15146 for Steven M O'Kelley, Seattle, WA, USA - CN87um (3 records sorted by Frequency and Callsign) A - Active D - Logged between 10am and 2pm local time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm KHZ ID Type A LSB USB sec fmt PWR KM Miles GSQ Lat Lon D SP ITU QTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024-03-27 22:04 251 YCD NDB Y 500 215 134 CN89bd 49.1458 -123.875 N BC CAN Nanaimo 2024-03-27 22:05 293 MB NDB Y 25 160 99 CN88fq 48.6875 -123.542 N BC CAN 'Mill Bay' Victoria 2024-03-27 22:05 378 AP NDB Y 25 166 103 CN88iu 48.8542 -123.292 N BC CAN Active Pass (Mayne Island) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------