RWW signals for log session 2608 for Garry Hess (3 records sorted by Frequency and ID) DT - __Logged between 10am and 2pm local time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KHz ID Type Logs Latest DT KM Mi Deg PWR GSQ SP ITU Location ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 275 URG __NDB 1 2021-03-31 N 8601 5344 152 GG10lf BRA Uruguaiana 388 OK __NDB 1 2021-03-08 N 960 596 226 25 EM25as OK USA 'Preso' Preston (Okmulgee) 388 UN __NDB 1 2021-03-12 N 890 553 94 FN10dv PA USA 'Penue' State College