RWW logs for Log session 4932 for Steve McDonald, Mayne Island, BC, CAN - CN88iu (3 records sorted by Frequency and Callsign) A - __Active D - __Logged between 10am and 2pm local time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm KHZ ID Type A LSB USB sec fmt PWR KM Miles GSQ Lat Lon D SP ITU QTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-09-09 13:00 390 AES __NDB Y 1936 1203 BP92bx 62.9792 -141.875 N AK ALS 'Nabesna' Northway 2021-09-09 13:00 399 SRI __NDB Y 50 3170 1970 AO56en 56.5625 -169.625 N AK ALS 'Pribilof' St George 2021-09-09 12:30 524 MNL __NDB Y 1987 1234 BP61tc 61.1042 -146.375 N AK ALS 'Mineral Creek' Valdez ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------