RNA logs for Log session 13750 for Anders H., , SWE - JO58sm (2 records sorted by Frequency and Callsign) A - __Active D - __Logged between 10am and 2pm local time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm KHZ ID Type A LSB USB sec fmt PWR KM Miles GSQ Lat Lon D SP ITU QTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2023-10-15 01:58 281 CA __NDB Y 405 10.28 1000 4095 2545 GO13lr 53.7292 -57.0417 N NL CAN Cartwright 2023-10-15 01:58 305 LT __NDB Y 412 10.17 1000 3354 2084 FR82vm 82.5208 -62.2083 N NU CAN Alert Bay ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------