Signals | Eike Bierwirth, Bavaro, DOM - FK58sq
__Paging Controls
KHz ID LSB USB Sec. Fmt. Location S/P ITU Region GSQ Power Logs Notes Latest by Listener Last Heard KM Miles Deg
325 LRN 1020 6 La Romana DOM ca FK58mk 2 20100103 - Michael Oexner reports LRN-325 has been decommissioned --- Casa de Campo Intl Apt 2004-06-20 2004-11-29 60 37 242
376 ZIN 1052 1021 8.3 Matthew Town / Great Inagua Island BAH ca FL30dx 400 1 !MIA 12/332 ZIN NAV NDB U/S 1912271221-2101112000EST /// Updated May 2, 2021 to INACTIVE 2004-06-20 2019-02-05 605 376 295
382 POS 1070 1062 10 DAID Port Of Spain TRD ca FK90go 1 Now TRI-382 -- 20101202 - Vernon Matheson reports hearing POS-382 2004-06-20 2004-06-25 1172 728 139
391 DDP 1034 1041 10.2 ID+6" gap San Juan / Dorado / Luiz Munoz Marin Intl PR PTR ca FK68tl 2000 2 Tony reports ~ 650 offsets 23Oct24 // 3kW Rptd - 200' Vert. // Noted with +/- 600hz offsets 2021/02/04 by VE3GOP // Don noted another offset change 2021/03/05 +1025 / -1009 /// Noted OFF AIR 4/1/2022/// 2004-06-20 2024-12-12 221 137 95