__Logs for AP-370.5
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__of 231 Log Records
__Date ▾ __UTC Operator
(if Remote)
Receiver __Location __S/P __ITU __GSQ __LSB __USB __Sec. __Fmt. __KM __Miles
2011-02-27 0235 Dominique Kremp Coutances FRA IN99gb 402 250
2011-02-11 0610 Andreas Schmid Olsberg DEU JO41gg 905 563
2011-01-16 2300 Paul Logan Lisnaskea NIR IO64gg 309 192
2010-12-27 0506 Hartmut Wolff Schönewörde DEU JO52hp 1029 640
2010-12-25 2301 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 387 240
2010-12-14 0202 Tracey Gardner Foston, Lincolnshire ENG IO92px 277 172
2010-11-27 2010 Peter Greatorex Bolsover ENG IO93if 252 157
2010-11-27 1948 Roelof Bakker Middelburg HOL JO11tm 565 351
2010-11-27 0047 David Atkins Abbots Langley ENG IO91sq 284 176
2010-11-26 2358 Joachim Rabe Norderstedt DEU JO53ar 992 617
2010-11-26 2110 Jean Jacquemin Bethune FRA JO10hm 528 328
2010-11-26 1931 Hartmut Wolff Schönewörde DEU JO52hp 1029 640
2010-11-26 1703 Chris McCarthy Ipswich ENG JO02nb 387 241
2010-11-26 1657 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 382 237
2010-11-26 1554 Alan Gale Whitworth ENG IO83vp 232 144
2010-11-26 1447 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2010-11-26 1213 Brian Keyte Surrey ENG IO91tg 302 187
2010-11-26 1211 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 387 240
2010-10-15 1905 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2010-10-15 0538 Chris McCarthy Ipswich ENG JO02nb 387 241
2010-10-09 0530 Pieter Lamers Oosterhout HOL JO21kp 648 403
2010-09-24 0000 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2010-08-09 2247 Eric Angevin Kercabellec FRA IN87sj 544 338
2010-08-05 0105 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 393 411 382 237
2010-08-04 0426 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2010-07-14 1131 Brian Keyte Braes, Isle of Skye SCT IO67xi 592 368
2010-06-21 1012 Brian Keyte Surrey ENG IO91tg 8.5 302 187
2010-06-19 1338 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 387 240
2010-06-19 1132 David Atkins Abbots Langley ENG IO91sq 284 176
2010-06-18 1341 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2010-06-18 1325 Finbar O'Connor Trawbreaga Bay, Malin Head IRL IO65ih 400 248
2010-05-07 1432 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2010-04-01 2239 Eric Angevin St Georges de Pointindoux FRA IN96ep 642 399
2010-03-16 0500 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2010-02-24 1831 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2010-01-16 2348 Jarno Fält Tampere FIN KP11wm 1998 1241
2010-01-11 0254 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2010-01-08 1830 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 382 237
2010-01-01 1017 Brian Keyte Surrey ENG IO91tg 302 187
2009-12-27 2351 Jean Jacquemin Bethune FRA JO10hm 528 328
2009-12-26 0123 Matthias Zwoch Arnsdorf Nr Dresden DEU JO61xc 1279 795
2009-12-25 2023 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2009-12-25 0109 Joachim Rabe Norderstedt DEU JO53ar 992 617
2009-12-22 1953 Michael Oexner Roschbach DEU JN49bf 395 947 588
2009-12-13 0056 Michael Oexner Roschbach DEU JN49bf 392 9.06 947 588
2009-11-15 2027 Vincent Lecler Payre FRA JN06ci 726 451
2009-10-26 0209 Alan Gale Whitworth ENG IO83vp 232 144
2009-10-25 2335 Joachim Rabe Norderstedt DEU JO53ar 992 617
2009-10-25 1052 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 387 240
2009-10-24 2228 Roger King Northorpe ENG IO92tr 291 181
2009-10-24 1851 Peter Greatorex Bolsover ENG IO93if 252 157
2009-10-24 0513 Jean Jacquemin Bethune FRA JO10hm 528 328
2009-10-23 2223 David Atkins Abbots Langley ENG IO91sq 284 176
2009-10-23 2211 Vincent Lecler Payre FRA JN06ci 726 451
2009-10-23 1824 Hartmut Wolff Schönewörde DEU JO52hp 1029 640
2009-10-23 1656 Roelof Bakker Middelburg HOL JO11tm 565 351
2009-10-23 1625 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 382 237
2009-10-23 1243 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2009-10-11 2045 Vincent Lecler Payre FRA JN06ci 726 451
2009-10-05 0254 Matthias Zwoch Arnsdorf Nr Dresden DEU JO61xc 1279 795
2009-09-27 0256 Patrick Vignoud Montmelian (Alt log) FRA JN35am 410 1064 661
2009-09-27 0256 Patrick Vignoud Montmelian FRA JN35am 1064 661
2009-07-26 2303 Robert Connolly NIR IO64xb 240 149
2009-07-26 0136 Joachim Rabe Norderstedt DEU JO53ar 992 617
2009-07-25 2048 Mike West Sussex ENG IO90qt 307 191
2009-07-25 0222 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 387 240
2009-07-25 0132 Jean Jacquemin Bethune FRA JO10hm 528 328
2009-07-25 0020 Roelof Bakker Middelburg HOL JO11tm 565 351
2009-07-24 2341 David Atkins Abbots Langley ENG IO91sq 284 176
2009-07-24 2336 Vincent Lecler Payre FRA JN06ci 726 451
2009-07-24 2211 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 382 237
2009-07-24 1508 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2009-07-24 1025 Brian Keyte Surrey ENG IO91tg 302 187
2009-06-19 1224 Alan Gale Whitworth ENG IO83vp 232 144
2009-05-02 2334 Joachim Rabe Norderstedt DEU JO53ar 992 617
2009-04-11 1908 Finbar O'Connor Trawbreaga Bay, Malin Head IRL IO65ih 400 248
2009-04-02 1629 Brian Keyte St Mary's, Isles of Scilly ENG IN69uw 270 168
2009-03-03 0449 Jarno Fält Tampere FIN KP11wm 1998 1241
2009-02-14 2347 Matthias Zwoch Arnsdorf Nr Dresden DEU JO61xc 1279 795
2009-02-07 0715 Roger King Northorpe ENG IO92tr 291 181
2009-02-02 2001 Ray Evans Bolsover ENG IO93if 252 157
2009-01-10 1843 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 222 138
2009-01-02 2128 Eric Angevin St Georges de Pointindoux FRA IN96ep 642 399
2008-12-30 1345 Brian Keyte Surrey ENG IO91tg 302 187
2008-12-18 2042 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 387 240
2008-12-18 0730 Vincent Lecler Payre FRA JN06ci 726 451
2008-12-17 2225 Frank Thijs Hoeven HOL JO21gn 627 389
2008-12-09 2112 Vincent Lecler Payre FRA JN06ci 726 451
2008-07-28 1357 Alan Gale Whitworth ENG IO83vp 232 144
2008-07-26 1358 Finbar O'Connor Trawbreaga Bay, Malin Head IRL IO65ih 400 248
2008-04-27 0141 Roelof Bakker Middelburg HOL JO11tm 565 351
2008-04-27 0110 Jean Jacquemin Bethune FRA JO10hm 528 328
2008-04-26 2217 David Atkins Abbots Langley ENG IO91sq 284 176
2008-04-26 0258 Alan Gale Whitworth ENG IO83vp 232 144
2008-04-25 2350 Tony Moore Nr Redcar Cleveland ENG IO94ln 359 223
2008-04-25 2209 Lionel Roithmeir St Sampson GSY IN89rl 324 201
2008-04-25 2152 Hartmut Wolff Schönewörde DEU JO52hp 1029 640
2008-04-25 2140 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 382 237
2008-04-25 2111 Finbar O'Connor Trawbreaga Bay, Malin Head IRL IO65ih 400 248
2008-04-25 1133 Brian Keyte Surrey ENG IO91tg 302 187