__Logs for MB-358
__Paging Controls
__of 125 Log Records
__Date ▾ __UTC Operator
(if Remote)
Receiver __Location __S/P __ITU __GSQ __LSB __USB __Sec. __Fmt. __KM __Miles
2015-06-14 2221 Ray Evans Bolsover ENG IO93if 344 214
2015-06-14 1343 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 428 266
2015-06-14 1128 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 349 217
2015-06-14 0802 Roelof Bakker Middelburg HOL JO11tm 139 87
2015-06-13 1320 Tracey Gardner Foston, Lincolnshire ENG IO92px 303 188
2014-07-11 1657 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 428 266
2014-05-21 1532 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 428 266
2013-12-21 1001 Tracey Gardner Foston, Lincolnshire ENG IO92px 303 188
2013-05-22 0926 Arvid Husdal Eigebrekk NOR JO37ta 532 331
2013-05-20 1446 Tracey Gardner Foston, Lincolnshire ENG IO92px 303 188
2013-04-11 2001 Peter Greatorex Bolsover ENG IO93if 344 214
2012-11-11 0431 University of Twente Enschede (Web SDR) HOL JO32kf 217 135
2012-11-08 1633 Tracey Gardner Foston, Lincolnshire ENG IO92px 303 188
2012-10-15 1323 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 428 266
2012-02-14 1531 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 349 217
2011-12-26 0009 David Onley The Hague HOL JO22db 86 53
2011-11-05 0001 Kari Syrjänen Aitomaki FIN KP30ju 1650 1025
2011-11-03 2030 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 428 266
2011-11-02 2051 Ray Evans Bolsover ENG IO93if 344 214
2011-09-20 2050 Tracey Gardner Foston, Lincolnshire ENG IO92px 303 188
2011-09-20 1053 Arvid Husdal Borhaug, Lista NOR JO38hc 619 385
2011-09-18 1510 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 428 266
2011-04-13 0926 Arvid Husdal Borhaug, Lista NOR JO38hc 619 385
2011-04-09 2231 Michael Oexner Roschbach DEU JN49bf 407 497 309
2011-04-04 2340 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 301 187
2011-03-02 1120 Arvid Husdal Borhaug, Lista NOR JO38hc 619 385
2011-02-24 1918 Andreas Schmid Olsberg DEU JO41gg 365 227
2011-02-22 1148 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 428 266
2011-02-21 1150 Tracey Gardner Foston, Lincolnshire ENG IO92px 303 188
2010-08-22 1223 Arvid Husdal Borhaug, Lista NOR JO38hc 619 385
2010-06-25 1911 Mike Thayne Wooler ENG IO85xn 490 305
2010-06-21 1408 Alan Gale Whitworth ENG IO83vp 411 255
2010-06-21 1331 Brian Keyte Surrey ENG IO91tg 4.5 330 205
2010-06-20 1333 Joachim Rabe Norderstedt DEU JO53ar 429 267
2010-06-19 1227 Pieter Lamers Oosterhout HOL JO21kp 145 90
2010-06-19 1119 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 301 187
2010-06-19 1114 David Atkins Abbots Langley ENG IO91sq 313 195
2010-06-19 0956 Roelof Bakker Middelburg HOL JO11tm 139 87
2010-06-18 1423 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 428 266
2010-06-18 1300 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 349 217
2010-06-10 0432 Brian Heath Stapleton ENG IO92ho 349 217
2010-06-07 1149 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 428 266
2010-06-04 2002 Roelof Bakker Middelburg HOL JO11tm 139 87
2010-06-03 2201 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 402 407 301 187
2010-04-12 2224 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 402 407 301 187
2010-04-09 2018 Bertrand Villiers-sur-Morin FRA JN18ku 440 274
2010-01-30 0215 Bernhard Hein Dessau-Roßlau DEU JO61cu 581 361
2009-12-25 1900 Michael Oexner Roschbach DEU JN49bf 405 497 309
2009-12-25 0523 Joachim Rabe Norderstedt DEU JO53ar 429 267
2009-12-25 0159 Vincent Lecler Payre FRA JN06ci 759 471
2009-12-09 0000 Michael Oexner Roschbach DEU JN49bf 404 4.56 497 309
2009-12-08 2345 Michael Oexner Roschbach DEU JN49bf 404 4.56 497 309
2009-12-02 1905 Michael Oexner Roschbach DEU JN49bf 405 497 309
2009-12-02 1627 Peter Greatorex Bolsover ENG IO93if 395 400 344 214
2009-12-01 2324 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 402 407 301 187
2009-12-01 1214 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 428 266
2009-11-29 0347 Joze Konda Novo mesto, Golusnik SVN JN75ou 1127 700
2009-11-29 0122 Eric Angevin St Georges de Pointindoux FRA IN96ep 784 487
2009-11-02 2112 Karel Honzik Plzen CZE JN69qs 745 463
2009-10-31 0600 Frank Thijs Hoeven HOL JO21gn 144 89
2009-10-29 0209 Patrick Vignoud Montmelian FRA JN35am 822 511
2009-10-29 0209 Patrick Vignoud Montmelian (Alt log) FRA JN35am 405 822 511
2008-11-09 2046 Torbjorn Ericson Nykoping SWE JO88ms 1061 659
2008-10-19 1900 Vesa Hienonen Aholahti FIN KP41jv 1793 1114
2008-10-18 0303 Michael Oexner Roschbach DEU JN49bf 497 309
2008-10-11 2242 Teijo Mäenpää Sakyla FIN KP11db 1444 897
2008-10-11 2136 Kari Syrjänen Aitomaki FIN KP30ju 1650 1025
2008-10-11 2114 Matthias Zwoch Arnsdorf Nr Dresden DEU JO61xc 720 448
2008-10-01 0340 Frank Thijs Hoeven HOL JO21gn 144 89
2008-09-16 1032 Mike Thayne Wooler ENG IO85xn 490 305
2008-09-16 0223 Frank Thijs Hoeven HOL JO21gn 144 89
2008-09-15 1006 Brian Keyte Laggan by Newtonmore SCT IO77ua 699 435
2008-07-28 1231 Alan Gale Whitworth ENG IO83vp 411 255
2008-07-27 1057 Mike Thayne Whitley Bay ENG IO95gb 428 266
2008-07-26 1222 Frank Thijs Hoeven HOL JO21gn 144 89
2008-07-26 1141 David Atkins Abbots Langley ENG IO91sq 313 195
2008-07-26 0908 Frank van Gerwen Castricum HOL JO22in 66 41
2008-07-25 1246 Roelof Bakker Middelburg HOL JO11tm 139 87
2008-07-25 1135 Brian Keyte Surrey ENG IO91tg 330 205
2008-07-25 1053 Jean Jacquemin Bethune FRA JO10hm 263 163
2008-07-24 1225 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 301 187
2008-06-22 0850 Roelof Bakker Middelburg HOL JO11tm 139 87
2008-06-16 2302 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 400 301 187
2008-02-21 2137 Brian Keyte Messingham ENG IO93pm 311 193
2008-02-20 2114 Dominique Kremp Coutances FRA IN99gb 552 343
2008-02-20 1745 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 407 301 187
2007-11-21 0626 Dominique Kremp Coutances FRA IN99gb 552 343
2007-11-21 0005 Peter Conway Hastings ENG JO00hv 403 301 187
2007-11-03 0553 Dominique Kremp Coutances FRA IN99gb 552 343
2007-11-01 0245 Patrick Vignoud Montmelian FRA JN35am 405 822 511
2007-10-31 0546 Frank Thijs Willebroek BEL JO21eb 194 121
2007-10-28 2336 Torbjorn Ericson Nykoping SWE JO88ms 1061 659
2007-10-27 2152 Patrick Reynaert Vertrijk BEL JO20jt 228 142
2007-10-27 2115 Alan Gale Whitworth ENG IO83vp 411 255
2007-10-27 1956 Zdenek Elias Jablonec Nad Nisou CZE JO70or 817 508
2007-10-27 0629 Joachim Rabe Norderstedt DEU JO53ar 429 267
2007-10-27 0524 Patrick Reynaert Vertrijk BEL JO20jt 228 142
2007-10-26 2331 Frank Thijs Hoeven HOL JO21gn 144 89
2007-10-26 2250 Jean Jacquemin Bethune FRA JO10hm 263 163
2007-10-26 1850 Hartmut Wolff Schönewörde DEU JO52hp 460 286