Signals | Mark McCarthy, Grayland Beach State Park, WA, USA - CN76ws
__Paging Controls
KHz ID LSB USB Sec. Fmt. Location S/P ITU Region GSQ Power Logs Notes Latest by Listener Last Heard KM Miles Deg
201 PEN 1030 1039 8.3 'Karpen' Astoria OR USA na CN86ed 1 2014-08-25 Michael Oexner reports that has been or will be Decommissioned. 2008-11-01 2014-10-27 79 49 150
206 PWT 1015 1015 5.1 'Kitsap' Bremerton National Airport WA USA na CN87ol 25 1 DECOM - 2014-09-18 Randy W7HR reports it was decommissioned at 9 a.m. today -- -- 70' vertical with 400' horizontal wire 'top hat' and 50x200' ground radials. Reception reports welcomed to Randy W7HR at 2008-11-01 2014-09-17 128 80 51
209 CYT 8.32 TWEB Yakataga AK ALS na BP80sc 1000 1 !JNU 10/025 CYT NAV NDB U/S 2410111451-PERM CREATED: 11 Oct 2024 14:51:00 SOURCE: PAJNYFYX 2008-11-01 2024-09-04 1903 1182 327
214 XA 1020 998 5 DAID Oshima JPN as PM94qq 500 1 2011-10-20 Michael Oexner Reports its been Deleted -- 2005-11-12: Dick palmer writes: 'A prepared QSL plus a short letter in English were received for XA, 214 kHz, Oshima, Japan. The QSL was received in 64 days for a September 09, 2005 report. Signature in Japanese from: Tokyo Airport Office Air Traffic Safety Electronic Personnel 3-3-1 Haneda Airport Ootaku Tokyo, Japan T144-0041 I had originally sent the report to the Oshima Airport in Oshima. Report was in English.' 2008-11-01 2011-07-24 7723 4798 299
216 GR 1046 1038 5.9 'Graye' Fort Lewis (Tacoma) WA USA na CN87qd 25 1 Now 216-GRF --- 20100517 - Dan Peterson reports GR/216 is now GRF/216. 2008-11-01 2010-10-05 121 75 69
219 GAV 1040 1035 8.5 Gustavus AK ALS na CO28dk 1 2008-11-01 2013-04-07 1510 938 333
223 AFE 1037 1037 10 Kake AK ALS na CO36bx 1 !! decom per NFDD 227 - 1 (11/25/2024) // transmitting 29Nov24 2008-11-02 2024-12-11 1315 817 333
229 AKW 1036 1038 8.5 Klawock AK ALS na CO35ln 1 AKW 07/007 AKW NAV NDB DECOMMISSIONED 2207151424-PERM 2008-11-02 2021-12-28 1156 719 330
233 ALJ 409 400 8.482 Orca Bay - Hinchinbrook Island AK ALS na BP60ql 1000 1 65 foot 3 wire T /// Name correction to Orca Bay - Hinchinbrook Island October 24, 2022 2008-11-01 2024-12-30 2107 1309 324
236 HQ 1030 1030 6.1 'Abern' Hoquiam WA USA na CN86cx 1 2011-10-20 Michael Oexner Reports its been Deleted 2008-11-01 2011-09-09 34 21 47
245 HNS 8.57 Haines AK ALS na CO29gf 250 1 !! Decom 31Oct2024 per ALASKA NFDD 160 - 1 (08/19/2024) // There is also a NOTAM that it is O/S until the end of December. !HNS 07/012 HNS NAV NDB U/S 240731 - 241231 2008-11-02 2024-07-30 1574 978 335
251 OSE 1033 1026 8.3 TWEB 'Oscarville' Bethel AK ALS na AP90bs 1000 1 !BET 05/001 OSE NAV NDB U/S 2005010656-2006051400EST ///updated u/s to 4Oct23est /// 251 \"OSE\" at Bethel (PABE-BET) AD is permanently withdrawn !BET 11/111 OSE NAV NDB U/S 2211100457-PERM CREATED: 10 Nov 2022 04:57:00 2008-11-02 2020-05-23 2869 1783 316
260 AP 1048 1024 6.14 'Casse' Denver CO USA na DM79nk 100 1 Decom per NFDD 035 - 1 02/21/2019 100' vertical 2008-11-01 2017-03-05 1756 1091 110
260 NF 403 397 8.13 Anson's Point (Norfolk Is) NFK oc RG30xx 500 1 Slow ID, NF-260 in test mode? 2008-11-01 2024-06-23 10827 6727 234
260 YSQ 413 405 10.1 DAID Atlin BC CAN na CO39dp 1 Decom: 3.8/9.73'' cyc rptd 2008-11-01 2019-10-07 1564 972 339
266 ICK 1039 1038 8.48 'Nichols' Annette Island AK ALS na CO45eb 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-30 1060 659 333
266 VR 410 406 10.4 DAID Vancouver BC CAN na CN89le 50 1 !! Phase 11 decom Nov 30 2023 2008-11-01 2023-11-20 281 174 16
270 FA 1055 911 3.5 Apia (Upolu Island) SMO oc AH36xe 1000 1 Offsets updated on 10/14/2016 Faleolo Intl Apt 2008-11-01 2024-04-28 8253 5128 228
272 XS 398 400 10.12 DAID Prince George BC CAN na CO83qt 25 1 Phase 9 decom 29Dec22 2008-11-01 2022-07-27 790 491 7
277 ACE 1036 1035 8.34 TWEB 'Kachemak' Homer AK ALS na BO49gp 1 2008-11-02 2024-12-27 2288 1421 318
280 IPA 1029 1021 8.391 Rapa Nui (Easter Island) (Isla de Pascua) PAQ oc DG52gu 3000 1 INACTIVE - 20100107 - Jaroslav Bohac confirms with a message from the Chilean Air Force that IPA-280 is deactivated Hank Kolsnick WD5JFR writes 'Hot and humid and the most isolated commercial airport in the world' Noted to have a 'e' following the ID - Don Ward 2008-11-01 2009-12-15 8350 5188 166
283 DUT 1028 1028 8.47 'Dutch Harbor' Unalaska AK ALS na AO63rv 1000 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-26 3063 1903 300
290 YYF 390 405 10.156 DAID Penticton BC CAN na DN09el 500 1 Was +1044 Hz //// Scheduled Decom with Navcan phase 8 July 14, 2022 2008-11-01 2022-06-27 450 279 46
299 TV 402 411 10.2 DAID Turner Valley AB CAN na DO20ts 200 1 QTH was listed as Turner Valley Ranch, recent listings drop the 'Ranch'. /// Decom - NavCan modernization phase 5 2021 2008-11-01 2021-02-07 841 522 54
300 Q5 383 10.3 DAID Grande Cache AB CAN na DO03nw 1 2008-11-01 2016-12-04 879 546 23
316 MAJ 984 1016 8.39 Majuro Atoll (Dalap Island) MHL oc RJ57pb 1 Offsets updated on 10/17/2016 Slow ID; Marshall Isl Intl Apt. Tony reports upper offset is +1038 2008-11-01 2024-01-01 7515 4669 255
326 DC 408 407 10.234 DAID Princeton BC CAN na CN99rl 500 1 2008-11-01 2025-01-10 402 250 40
327 VYI 1043 1037 7.98 'Valley Island' Kahului HI HWA oc BL10sv 1 2008-11-02 2023-10-18 4094 2544 236
332 LBH 1051 1025 6.5 'Laker' Portland OR USA na CN85sm 1 2015-01-26 -- Steve Ratzlaff reports it has been off for a couple of weeks 2015-06-11 -- Don Tomkinson reports it is decom Decom per NFDD 117 - 3 06/18/2018 (very timely paperwork) 2008-11-01 2014-12-28 189 118 136
332 POA 1017 1020 8.427 Pahoa HI HWA oc BK29mn 400 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-28 4119 2559 233
332 XT 404 10.245 DAID Terrace BC CAN na CO54ri 1 2008-11-01 2025-01-01 899 558 341
340 BOG 1022 1026 8.44 Bogota (Cundinamarca) CLM sa FJ24uu 1 Eldorado Intl Apt 2008-11-02 2015-03-21 6658 4137 118
340 YY 399 399 10.42 DAID Mont Joli QC CAN na FN58un 500 1 Scheduled Decom with Navcan phase 8 July 14, 2022 2008-11-02 2022-06-13 4091 2542 66
341 DB 406 399 10.22 DAID Burwash YT CAN na CP01mi 200 1 !! Decom NAVAIDs Modernization Program phase 3 - Mar 2020 -- 124' vertical 2008-11-01 2020-03-23 1878 1167 335
341 ELF 1032 1030 8.53 'Elfee' Cold Bay AK ALS na AO85oh 1000 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-28 2822 1754 303
350 VTR 1025 1020 8.41 'Takotna River' McGrath AK ALS na BP22fw 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-11 2649 1646 324
351 NO 1040 1032 6 Reno NV USA na DM09cm 50 1 20100708 - Don Tomkinson reports its back on the air after a long absence! - Reported Off-Air March 2010 2008-11-01 2013-05-26 879 546 154
352 RG 1021 1017 8.5 Nikau (Rarotonga Island) CKS oc BG08ct 1 Rarotonga Intl Apt // 07Jan24 updated cycle time to 4.24 seconds 2008-11-01 2024-12-01 8361 5195 214
353 LLD 403 404 8.518 Lanai HI HWA oc BL10ms 2000 1 It is decommissioned according to NFDD 001 - 2 // 25Feb23 Frank O and Mike T have reported that it is off now. Aloha 2008-11-01 2023-02-20 4137 2570 236
355 AK 1038 1025 'Saldo' King Salmon AK ALS na BO18or 1 INACTIVE - NEW ID : AUB (20081228) 2008-11-01 2008-11-29 2532 1573 313
355 IK 1023 1022 DAID Ikishima JPN as PM43vs 500 1 2008-11-01 2008-11-01 8415 5229 304
356 ON 395 10.46 DAID 'Okanagan' Penticton BC CAN na DN09fi 25 1 !! Phase 10 decom 15Jun23 2008-11-01 2022-12-01 445 277 48
358 SIT 1050 1033 10.36 Sitka AK ALS na CO26fu 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-30 1365 848 329
359 ANI 1044 1035 8.38 Aniak AK ALS na BP01eo 250 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-15 2782 1729 319
359 BO 1022 1050 5.9 'Ustik' Boise ID USA na DN13uo 400 1 Decom per: 2008-11-01 2018-05-21 707 439 117
359 NDJ 1019 1021 8.5 Bucholz (Kwajalein) MHL oc RJ38ur 1 M0117/18 NOTAMN Q) ZHN/QFAXX/IV/NBO/A/000/999/0843N16743E005 A) PKWA B) 1808072043 C) 1811040930 E) BUCHOLZ NDB (NDJ) IS UNAVAILABLE DUE TO DECOMMISSIONING. 2008-11-02 2017-11-09 7645 4750 259
360 OX 1022 1018 27.39 DA2ID IDx2+21"dash Iwo Jima VOI as QL04ps 1250 1 To be decommissioned per NOTAM M0889/23 \"ABOLISHMENT OF IWOTO NDB OX\" 2008-11-01 2023-01-03 8360 5195 290
365 AA 1040 1025 5.963 'Kenie' Fargo MN USA na EN17oa 100 1 60' 'T'; Listed in airnav as in ND, but actually just over he border in MN 2008-11-01 2024-12-31 2066 1284 79
366 PNI 8.3 Pohnpei FSM oc QJ96cx 1 !! HNL 11/093 PNI NAV NDB U/S 2411101329-2509302359EST 2008-11-01 2022-12-28 8504 5284 265
367 RD 1031 2014 'Lassn' Redding CA USA na CN80uj 1 20091102 - Iden Rogers reports that RD has been decommissioned 2008-11-02 2009-08-03 724 450 167
371 PDN 8 Port Heiden AK ALS na BO06qw 1 !! PTH 12/029 PDN NAV NDB U/S 2312311333-2412311500EST 2008-11-01 2012-01-06 2589 1608 308
373 HHI 1053 1065 8 'Wheeler' Wahiawa HI HWA oc BL01xl 100 1 Decom per NFDD 156 - 2 08/13/2019 .. Listed as 100 watts. 10/24/20 - Reported as active by Mike Tuggle. 2008-11-01 2020-10-24 4145 2575 239
373 PQ 1010 1020 5 DAID Tateyama JPN as PM94wx 2000 1 INACTIVE - 20090913 - Mike Tuggle reports a Cycle time of ~7.5 sec - 2015-01-25 This NDB is gone per Don Tomkinson 2008-11-02 2012-03-28 7667 4764 299
376.5 NA 1000 1022 5 DAID Naganuma JPN as QN03ta 100 1 2012-12-22 Michael Oexner reports it has been deleted 2008-11-02 2011-04-06 6962 4326 304
377.5 MO 400 405 10.19 Teavaro (Moorea Island) (Iles du Vent) OCE oc BH52cm 100 1 Temae Airport / (2019 09 26) updated - not a DAID /// Steve R. noted carrier is 5hz high - offsets updated Nov 14, 2021 2008-11-02 2024-08-07 7593 4718 206
382 JNR 8.45 'North River' Unalakleet AK ALS na AP93ov 1 Decom per ALASKA NFDD 135 - 3 (07/15/2024) // Slow ID 2008-11-01 2024-03-31 2931 1821 323
383 CNP 1017 1022 6.46 Chappell NE USA na DN81sb 25 1 2008-11-02 2024-10-28 1841 1144 102
383 PI 1059 1024 6.003 'Tyhee' Pocatello ID USA na DN32rx 400 1 IDAHO NFDD 064 - 1 04/04/2022 POCATELLO TYHEE NDB IDENT PI LAT 42-57-49.5992 N LONG 112-30-58.7358 W NAVAID STATUS SHUTDOWN ( Decom ) /// NFDD 073 - 2 04/15/2022 POCATELLO TYHEE NDB IDENT PI LAT 42-57-49.5992 N LONG 112-30-58.7358 W NAVAID STATUS DECOMMISSIONED MODIFIED RMK DATA EFFECTIVE 19 MAY 2022 2008-11-02 2022-04-24 1004 624 110
385 EHM 1036 1039 8.3 Cape Newenham AK ALS na AO88xp 100 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-28 2824 1754 311
385 MR 1045 1016 4.35 'Munso' Monterey CA USA na CM96ao 50 1 'T' ant; 25W rptd (WWSU) /// CALIFORNIA NFDD 072 - 2 04/14/2022 MONTEREY MUNSO NDB IDENT MR LAT 36-37-14.6474 N LONG 121-56-18.8713 W NAVAID STATUS DECOMMISSIONED MODIFIED RMK DECOMMISSIONED EFFECTIVE 19 MAY 2022 2008-11-02 2022-01-12 1145 711 170
385 OCC 1029 1033 8.448 TWEB 'Ocean Cape' Yakutat AK ALS na CO09dn 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-30 1752 1088 329
386 HAU 1051 1022 8.102 'Hauser' Helena MT USA na DN46cn 25 1 \'T\' antenna 2008-11-02 2024-12-31 940 584 86
386 SYF 1002 994 5.272 St. Francis KS USA na DM99cr 25 1 2016-11-15 Steve Zimmerman reports poorly formed letters. Don Ward and others have reported in past, that the YF letters are run together. /// Don T. noted back on air ( barely ) July 17, 2021 as S YF /// 2008-11-02 2021-07-16 1962 1219 105
387 BOB 1050 1023 'Bruck' Anchorage AK ALS na BP41ve 1 INACTIVE 2008-11-01 2011-11-17 2312 1436 323
388 GE 1043 1023 5.6 'Phort' Spokane WA USA na DN17gq 25 1 GE-388 has been replaced by CRK-388 2008-11-02 2010-03-07 513 319 76
390 AES 8.44 'Nabesna' Northway AK ALS na BP92bx 1 !! Decom per ALASKA NFDD 135 - 2 (07/15/2024) 2008-11-02 2024-09-04 2114 1314 334
390 HBT 1032 1033 8.321 Sand Point (Borland) AK ALS na AO95rh 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-26 2680 1665 304
390 HK 1022 1020 5 DAID Kagoshima JPN as PM51gp 2000 1 2015-01-25 This NDB is gone per Don Tomkinson 2008-11-02 2012-02-11 8541 5307 302
391 DDP 1009 1041 10.2 ID+6" gap San Juan / Dorado / Luiz Munoz Marin Intl PR PTR ca FK68tl 2000 1 Tony reports ~ 650 offsets 23Oct24 // 3kW Rptd - 200' Vert. // Noted with +/- 600hz offsets 2021/02/04 by VE3GOP // Don noted another offset change 2021/03/05 +1025 / -1009 /// Noted OFF AIR 4/1/2022/// 2008-11-01 2025-01-11 6084 3780 100
391 EEF 1036 1035 8.425 'Elephant' Sisters Island AK ALS na CO28ie 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-26 1473 915 333
393 TOG 'Togiak' Togiak Village AK ALS na AO99tb 50 1 !TOG 12/058 TOG NAV NDB U/S 2312210635-2412281500EST 2008-11-01 2018-07-21 2740 1702 313
394 RWO 1034 1026 8.542 TWEB 'Woody Island' Kodiak AK ALS na BO37us 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-28 2248 1397 313
396 CMJ 1029 1033 7.62 'Clam Cove' Ketchikan AK ALS na CO45di 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-28 1090 677 333
399 SRI 1053 1022 7.75 'Pribilof' St George AK ALS na AO56en 50 1 2008-11-01 2024-07-09 3252 2020 306
400 VQ 1057 1048 7.8 'Besaq' Alamosa CO USA na DM77ai 1 2013-04-01 Michael Oexner reports its been deleted NOTAM: !DET 06/015 DET NAV VQM NDB DECOMMISSIONED 1806141605-PERM CREATED: 14 Jun 2018 16:06:00 SOURCE: KLANYFYX 2008-11-02 2009-09-19 1822 1132 118
403 TUT 972 1067 10.68 Tafuna (Tutuila Island) SMA oc AH45pq 2000 1 Pago Pago Intl Apt; Rptd slight miskey: TU T (Steve Razlaff, 2004-11-07); Mike Tuggle reports it is mis-keying “TU_T” 11-13-2016 2008-11-01 2024-08-06 8225 5111 227
404 GCR 1046 1032 'Glacier River' Cordova AK ALS na BP70gl 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-11 2056 1277 325
411 ILI 1032 1043 8.298 TWEB Iliamna AK ALS na BO29nr 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-28 2466 1532 316
412 SON 400 400 5.67 Santo / Pekoa VUT oc RH34ol 1 According to Jack Woods, James Michener wrote ''Tales of the South Pacific'' while stationed in Vanuatu. 2008-11-01 2018-08-07 9719 6039 243
414 IME 1067 1010 8.31 'Mount Edgecumbe' Sitka AK ALS na CO27hb 1 !! Decom per NFDD 134 - 1 (07/12/2024) // Still transmitting on 02 Oct 2024 2008-11-01 2024-10-26 1376 855 330
415 CBC 398 406 8.49 West End (Cayman Brac) CYM ca FK09bq 600 1 Gerrard Smith Intl Apt 20170518 Dick Palmer reports unusual offset (-637 Hz) reason unknown 2008-11-01 2021-02-07 5001 3107 111
415 KW 1018 1027 5.85 ID+3"gap Hengchun TWN as PL01kw 1 2008-11-01 2022-10-26 9983 6203 302
417 IY 4.222 'Chukk' Charles City IA USA na EN33pd 25 1 !! 20190904 Don T reports offsets at -1120Hz / +1110 // To Be Deleted 19May22 per NFDD 057 - 2 (03/24/2022) // !CCY 05/008 CCY NAV ILS RWY 12 CHUKK LOM U/S 231216-240322 2008-11-01 2022-05-24 2487 1546 87
429 BTS 8.05 'Wood River' Dillingham AK ALS na BO08rx 1 !! DLG 06/074 BTS NAV NDB DECOMMISSIONED 2406171615-PERM // Decom per NFDD 072 - 1 (04/12/2024) // DLG 12/147 BTS NAV NDB U/S 2312082215-2404281500EST 2008-11-02 2022-10-26 2636 1638 313
521 INE 1074 996 8.1 'Konna' Missoula MT USA na DN27tc 400 1 Decom per NFDD 237- 2 12/11/2018 75' vertical 2008-11-01 2017-11-05 741 460 83
521 ORC 1019 1024 7 Orange City IA USA na EN12xx 25 1 NOTAM !ORC 01/001 ORC AD AP CLSD 2001131637-PERM CREATED: 13 Jan 2020 16:37:00 SOURCE: KFODYFYX +1055 Hz rptd - NEGATIVE ID 'EENAIE' 2008-11-01 2020-01-09 2240 1392 90
524 MNL 1067 996 'Mineral Creek' Valdez AK ALS na BP61tc 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-11 2138 1328 326
525 ICW 1019 1019 8.46 'Ice Pool' Nenana AK ALS na BP54ln 25 1 2008-11-02 2024-12-11 2487 1545 331
526 ZLS 1057 980 10.2 Stella Maris, Long Island BAH ca FL23in 1 INACTIVE 2008-11-01 2013-11-18 5027 3123 103
529 FDV 1032 1028 Fort Davis AK ALS na AP74il 1 !! OME 10/008 FDV NAV NDB U/S 2310040808-2510031500EST 2008-11-02 2022-08-27 3157 1962 323
529 LYQ 1023 -4 9.1 NDB Morrison TN USA na EM65xo 100 1 Go to the website and email them a signal report of your reception of their LYQ beacon. 2008-11-01 2013-10-08 3380 2100 97
529 SQM 1032 1033 8.414 'Sumner Strait' Level Island AK ALS na CO36kl 400 1 !! SIT 03/260 SQM NAV NDB U/S 2403260258-2412311500EST 2008-11-01 2023-11-14 1243 772 333
530 ADK 1024 1033 8.473 'Mount Moffett' Adak Island AK ALS na AO11pu 1 2008-11-01 2024-12-29 3769 2342 298