__European Reception Map for ARA-393

__Listener Locations

__Listener __S/P __ITU __KM __Miles
__Primary QTH Zdenek Cermak CZE 1238 769
__Primary QTH Hartmut Wolff DEU 788 489
__Primary QTH Michael Oexner DEU 1008 626
__Primary QTH David Robson ENG 400 249
__Secondary QTH Mike Thayne ENG 289 180
__Primary QTH Mike Thayne ENG 309 192
__Primary QTH Noel ENG 621 386
__Primary QTH Peter Conway ENG 720 447
__Primary QTH Peter Greatorex ENG 489 304
__Primary QTH Ray Evans ENG 489 304
__Primary QTH Tracey Gardner ENG 504 313
__Primary QTH Teijo Mäenpää FIN 1253 779
__Secondary QTH Eric Angevin FRA 1208 751
__Secondary QTH Patrick Vignoud FRA 1354 841
__Primary QTH Patrick Vignoud FRA 1354 841
__Primary QTH Roelof Bakker HOL 665 413
__Primary QTH University of Twente HOL 670 416
__Primary QTH Mikhail Shcherbakov LVA 1377 855
__Primary QTH Arvid Husdal NOR 323 200
__Primary QTH Tjærand S. Bauge NOR 309 192
__Secondary QTH Brian Keyte SCT 343 213
__Primary QTH David Atkins SCT 434 270
__Primary QTH Jason Law SCT 405 252
__Primary QTH Joze Konda SVN 1590 988
__Primary QTH Anders H. SWE 613 381
__Primary QTH Lars Lahti SWE 1518 943
__Primary QTH Ragnar Ostermark SWE 1009 627
Zdenek Cermak Hartmut Wolff Michael Oexner David Robson Mike Thayne Mike Thayne Noel Peter Conway Peter Greatorex Ray Evans Tracey Gardner Teijo Mäenpää Eric Angevin Patrick Vignoud Patrick Vignoud Roelof Bakker University of Twente Mikhail Shcherbakov Arvid Husdal Tjærand S. Bauge Brian Keyte David Atkins Jason Law Joze Konda Anders H. Lars Lahti Ragnar Ostermark __European Reception Map for ARA-393 X