Awards Available | Stefano Temporin, Brunate/San Maurizio (CO), ITA - JN45nt

__About These Awards

__Daytime DX Awards (Daytime hours are 0900 - 1300 hrs UTC)

__This certificate recognises long distance reception of NDBs between the hours of 1000 and 1400 local standard time - that is, two hours before and afer noon in the listener's timezone.
__Miles __KM
250-499 402-804
500-749 805-1205
750-999 1206-1607
1000-1249 1608-2010
1250+ 1608+
__KHz __ID __Location __S/P __ITU __Pwr __Miles __KM __Date __UTC __Order
374.5 ANC Ancona (AN) ITA 35 262 421 2012-04-25 1006 __No__Yes

__European NDB DX Awards __(1 qualifying countries)

__This certificate recognises reception of NDBs located in Europe at the levels shown below.
__NDB List Country codes __Order

__Italian NDB Award __(21 qualifying signals)


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