Signals | Don Tomkinson, Bainbridge Island, WA, USA - CN87rq
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of 41 signals
KHz ▴ ID LSB USB Sec. Fmt. Location S/P ITU Region GSQ Power Logs Notes Latest by Listener Last Heard KM Miles Deg
206 PWT 1015 1015 5.1 'Kitsap' Bremerton National Airport WA USA na CN87ol 25 1 DECOM - 2014-09-18 Randy W7HR reports it was decommissioned at 9 a.m. today -- -- 70' vertical with 400' horizontal wire 'top hat' and 50x200' ground radials. Reception reports welcomed to Randy W7HR at 2013-02-10 2014-09-17 30 19 219
209 CYT 8.32 TWEB Yakataga AK ALS na BP80sc 1000 2 !JNU 10/025 CYT NAV NDB U/S 2410111451-PERM CREATED: 11 Oct 2024 14:51:00 SOURCE: PAJNYFYX 2013-09-25 2024-09-04 1885 1171 324
212 CGL 1040 1035 8.5 Coghlan Island AK ALS na CO28pi 2 2013-09-25 2025-01-25 1434 891 330
216 GRF 1044 1040 8.2 Graye AAF (Joint Base Lewis-Mcchord) Airport WA USA na CN87qd 1 NFDD 098 - 4 05/21/2019 FORT LEWIS/TACOMA GRAYE NDB IDENT GRF LAT 47-09-01.0691 N LONG 122-36-16.7767 W NAVAID STATUS DECOMMISSIONED. 2013-02-10 2019-06-20 61 38 185
219 GAV 1040 1035 8.5 Gustavus AK ALS na CO28dk 1 2013-02-10 2013-04-07 1479 919 328
223 AFE 1037 1037 10 Kake AK ALS na CO36bx 1 !! decom per NFDD 227 - 1 (11/25/2024) // transmitting 25 Jan 2025 2013-09-25 2025-01-25 1285 798 327
229 AKW 1036 1038 8.5 Klawock AK ALS na CO35ln 1 AKW 07/007 AKW NAV NDB DECOMMISSIONED 2207151424-PERM 2013-09-25 2021-12-28 1134 705 324
230 YD 401 399 9.9 DAID Smithers BC CAN na CO64kr 1 Brian Butler has confirmed it off now. Decom per \"NAVAIDs Modernization Program\" Phase II 2013-05-02 2019-09-24 845 525 339
233 ALJ 409 400 8.482 Orca Bay - Hinchinbrook Island AK ALS na BP60ql 1000 3 65 foot 3 wire T /// Name correction to Orca Bay - Hinchinbrook Island October 24, 2022 2013-09-25 2025-03-07 2097 1303 321
239 OJ 400 410 10.11 DAID High Level AB CAN na DO18kn 350 1 ! Decom NAVAIDs Modernization Program phase 3 - Mar 2020 2013-05-02 2020-03-08 1261 784 14
240 BVS 1028 1007 5.9 'Skagit / Bay View' Burlington / Mt Vernon WA USA na CN88sl 25 1 ULS WRLB2281 - expires March 2026 2013-02-10 2025-01-26 88 55 4
242 ZT 4 405 10.266 DAID Port Hardy BC CAN na CO60gq 500 1 !! Phase 10 decom 15Jun23 2013-03-05 2023-05-27 489 304 314
245 HNS 8.57 Haines AK ALS na CO29gf 250 1 !! Decom 31Oct2024 per ALASKA NFDD 160 - 1 (08/19/2024) // There is also a NOTAM that it is O/S until the end of December. !HNS 07/012 HNS NAV NDB U/S 240731 - 241231 2013-09-25 2024-07-30 1536 955 331
246 ZXJ 386 10.31 DAID 'Taylor' Fort St. John BC CAN na CO96qe 25 1 As per NAVCAN not decomed yet but also not in service and no plans to fix // Phase 10 decom 10Aug23 2013-03-05 2020-02-22 954 593 7
248 QH 402 10.1 Watson Lake YT CAN na CP50ne 1 !! Phase 7 decom Jan 2022- NavCan \"modernization\" 2013-03-05 2022-01-12 1449 900 345
250 2J 413 415 8.4 DAID Grand Forks BC CAN na DN09sa 1 Decom 2018 2013-03-05 2019-09-22 336 209 62
261 D6 401 383 10.3 DAID Fairmont Hot Springs BC CAN na DO20bh 50 1 2013-05-02 2022-09-30 567 352 56
266 ICK 1039 1038 8.48 'Nichols' Annette Island AK ALS na CO45eb 2 2013-09-25 2025-03-07 1033 642 325
274 CAN 1052 1028 8.4 'Carney' Bremerton WA USA na CN87nj 1 2014-08-25 Michael Oexner reports that has been or will be Decommissioned. 2013-02-10 2014-03-30 41 25 217
277 V2 1033 1041 8.2 DAID Humboldt SK CAN na DO72ke 1 2013-09-25 2015-09-26 1339 832 61
283 DUT 1028 1028 8.47 'Dutch Harbor' Unalaska AK ALS na AO63rv 1000 1 2013-09-25 2024-12-26 3115 1936 299
283 SCO 1024 1032 6 Scobey MT USA na DN78gt 1 !GTF 06/116 9S2 NAV SCO NDB OUT OF SERVICE 1606281515 -PERM - Logged by several listeners in mid Jan 2021 so marked as active /// noted on air again by Don T. 04/06/22 2013-09-19 2022-06-02 1268 788 77
284 FHR 1019 1021 5.86 Friday Harbor WA USA na CN88lm 1 2013-02-10 2024-12-25 100 62 338
338 NOW 1026 1014 8.6 'Ediz Hook' Port Angeles WA USA na CN88hd 1 2012-01-01 Michael Oexner reports that it has been or will be deleted. 2019-01-18 ID changed to 'NOW' per NFDD 015 - 5 01/23/2019, was 'K' /// M0003/22 NOTAMN Q) ZSE/QNBXX/IV/NBO/AE/000/999/4808N12324W005 A) KNOW B) 2203031735 C) 2205312359 E) NAVAID NOW NDB DECOMMISSIONED CREATED: 03 Mar 2022 17:35:00 SOURCE: 2013-02-10 2020-05-23 80 50 309
341 ELF 1032 1030 8.53 'Elfee' Cold Bay AK ALS na AO85oh 1000 2 2013-09-25 2025-02-22 2867 1781 302
353 5F 388 10.5 DAID Fox Creek AB CAN na DO14oj 1 2013-06-09 2025-02-22 847 526 26
353 AL 1047 1032 6 'Trina' Walla Walla WA USA na DN06ve 1 2013-02-10 2025-02-22 369 229 115
353 RNT 1012 1029 4.5 Renton WA USA na CN87vl 25 1 NAV NDB DECOMMISSIONED. 18 OCT 16:05 2017 UNTIL PERM. CREATED: 18 OCT 16:05 2017 - It was off air following wind storm on Oct 17 2013-02-10 2017-10-15 34 21 132
372 FPN 1049 1017 8.1 Fredericks Point AK ALS na CO36ot 25 1 Decom NOTAM: FPN 06/004 !PSG 06/004 FPN NAV NDB DECOMMISSIONED 1606031630 - PERM 2013-09-25 2016-02-11 1229 763 329
376 PVQ 8.5 Put River Deadhorse AK ALS na BQ50sf 260 1 !! decom per NFDD 005 - 1 (01/08/2025) - reported by Don T 2013-09-25 2023-12-06 2863 1779 340
379 IWW 1043 1035 8.358 'Wildwood' Kenai AK ALS na BP40jo 1000 1 Decom .. yet active -- !ENA 06/004 ENA NAV IWW NDB U/S 2006011646-2006301646 /// ALASKA NFDD 081 - 2 04/28/2021 KENAI WILDWOOD NDB IDENT IWW LAT 60-35-55.2473 N LONG 151-12-40.3232 W NAVAID STATUS DECOMMISSIONED RMK NAVAID STATUS: EFF: *17 JUN 2021* 2013-09-25 2020-01-11 2324 1444 318
379 UNE 1016 1023 4.238 'Union County' Creston IA USA na EN20tw 1 DECOM - 2015 03 22 Decom in August 2014 per Don Tomkinson 2013-03-05 2014-03-23 2348 1459 98
385 OCC 1029 1033 8.448 TWEB 'Ocean Cape' Yakutat AK ALS na CO09dn 2 2013-09-25 2025-03-07 1729 1074 326
390 HBT 1032 1033 8.321 Sand Point (Borland) AK ALS na AO95rh 2 2013-09-25 2024-12-26 2724 1693 302
391 EEF 1036 1035 8.425 'Elephant' Sisters Island AK ALS na CO28ie 1 2013-09-25 2025-03-07 1442 896 328
391 TK 393 10.54 DAID Telkwa (Smithers) BC CAN na CO64mq 1 Brian Butler has confirmed it off now. Decom per \"NAVAIDs Modernization Program\" Phase II 2013-03-05 2019-10-05 837 520 340
394 RWO 1034 1026 8.542 TWEB 'Woody Island' Kodiak AK ALS na BO37us 1 2013-09-25 2025-03-07 2269 1410 310
411 ILI 1032 1043 8.298 TWEB Iliamna AK ALS na BO29nr 1 2013-09-25 2025-03-07 2477 1539 314
414 YZK 387 10.39 Harper Ranch (Kamloops) BC CAN na CO90wq 1 Decom - NavCan modernization phase 5 2013-09-19 2021-02-22 377 234 26
525 ICW 1019 1019 8.46 'Ice Pool' Nenana AK ALS na BP54ln 25 2 2013-09-25 2024-12-11 2457 1526 329
529 SQM 1032 1033 8.414 'Sumner Strait' Level Island AK ALS na CO36kl 400 3 !! SIT 03/260 SQM NAV NDB U/S 2403260258-2412311500EST 2013-09-25 2023-11-14 1213 754 327