Signals | Log Session 7981
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of 12 signals
KHz ▴ ID LSB USB Sec. Fmt. Location S/P ITU Region GSQ Power Logs Notes Latest by Listener Last Heard KM Miles Deg
12577 002241026 Las Palmas Radio CNR af IL27es 1 2022-02-04 2025-03-12 2622 1629 225
12577 002711000 Istanbul Radio TUR as KN40jx 1 2022-02-04 2025-03-12 2136 1327 96
12577 004162019 Chilung Keelung Radio TWN as PL05vd 1 2022-02-04 2025-03-12 9972 6196 52
12577 005030001 Charleville / Wiluna Radio WE AUS oc PG30gp 1000 1 GSQ from Wiluna same MMSI for Charleville and Wiluna 2022-02-04 2025-03-12 14823 9210 89
12577 005120010 Taupo Radio NI NZL oc RF81fd 1 2022-02-04 2025-03-07 19037 11828 36
12577 005741040 Hai Phong Radio XVG VTN as OL30iu 1 2022-02-04 2025-03-11 9339 5803 65
16804.5 002371000 Olympia Radio GRC eu KM07ro 1 2022-02-04 2025-03-12 1784 1108 115
16804.5 002711000 Istanbul Radio TUR as KN40jx 1 2022-02-04 2025-03-12 2136 1327 96
16804.5 004122100 Shanghai Radio CHN as PM01sc 1 2022-02-04 2025-03-09 9431 5860 49
16804.5 005030001 Charleville / Wiluna Radio WE AUS oc PG30gp 1 GSQ from Wiluna same MMSI for Charleville and Wiluna 2022-02-04 2025-03-12 14823 9210 89
16804.5 005120010 Taupo Radio NI NZL oc RF81fd 1 2022-02-04 2025-03-10 19037 11828 36
16804.5 005741040 Hai Phong Radio XVG VTN as OL30iu 1 2022-02-04 2025-03-12 9339 5803 65