Change Log for this system

This page gives headline information about changes to this system over time.

Curious to see what's under the hood? Click the version number to see the actual code changes.
If you spot a bug or have ideas for a new feature, please contact the developer (email address in footer)
You may even become FAMOUS in the release notes 😁

There have been 881 versioned releases since 2018-06-08

  • 2.64.16 (2024-07-16)
    Bug fix for export for no-admin - thanks Noel Waddoup and Michael Oexner
  • 2.64.15 (2024-07-14)
    Bug fix for export of logs with Admin mode for admin users
  • 2.64.14 (2024-07-14)
    Export All modes now include admin mode if user is logged in - requested by Michael Oexner
  • 2.64.13 (2024-07-13)
    Google Maps now load asynchronously as per Google's instructions
  • 2.64.12 (2024-07-13)
    Removed API secrets from code
  • 2.64.11 (2024-07-13)
    More fixes for sorting with strict dates, listeners with ONLY remote logs may now be viewed
  • 2.64.10 (2024-06-11)
    Tweak to column sorting to not give errors in MySQL 8 when sorting dates against ''
  • 2.64.9 (2024-06-06)
    Updated GSQ Grid to include 100 squares within each field
  • 2.64.8 (2024-05-16)
    Modified PHP Unit Tests following introduction of NZL states
  • 2.64.7 (2024-05-09)
    Searching for 'heard in' NZL now expands to newly added state codes
  • 2.64.6 (2024-05-09)
    Label fixes in Admin tools for new Logs: Update 'Heard In' function
  • 2.64.5 (2024-05-09)
    New Admin tool to remap 'Heard in' for logs when listeners move
  • 2.64.4 (2024-04-26)
    CLE details now shown in a table - thanks Joachim for the tidy up idea
  • 2.64.3 (2024-03-15)
    Listeners shown in 'Personalise for' control in Signals now shows logs for each location
  • 2.64.2 (2024-03-14)
    Signals list with personalise - dx / deg fixes for null coords - thanks Joachim for the bug report
  • 2.64.1 (2024-03-14)
    New donation form now prefills today's date by default
  • 2.64.0 (2024-03-10)
    Introduction of CLE Planner feature for CLE Admins
  • 2.63.3 (2024-03-05)
    Fixes for status message clearing on admin pages
  • 2.63.2 (2024-03-05)
    Addition of lower prev / next buttons for all paged reports
  • 2.63.1 (2024-03-04)
    More preparations for CLE Panner mode
  • 2.63.0 (2024-03-02)
    Preparations for CLE Panner mode
  • 2.62.5 (2024-02-06)
    Donations page anchor tweaks
  • 2.62.4 (2024-02-06)
    Donations progress now shown in Donate page
  • 2.62.3 (2024-02-06)
    Costs shown on Donate page now stored in .env
  • 2.62.2 (2024-01-03)
    Fix for missing anchor on Donate page
  • 2.62.1 (2023-12-20)
    CLE 'About' message is now customisable - thanks Joachim for the suggestion.
  • 2.62.0 (2023-12-19)
    Complete rework of ICAO and Metar system following major changes at Aviation Weather
  • Merge (2023-12-19)
    pull request #35 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/twig-bridge-4.4.51
  • 2.61.1 (2023-11-13)
    Bug fix for various signal status indicators inc active, decommissioned and 'Personalise - logged' with PHP 8.1 - reported by David Robson
  • Bump (2023-11-12)
    symfony/twig-bridge from 4.4.49 to 4.4.51
  • 2.61.0 (2023-10-31)
    Fixed PHP UNIT Tests - broken for ages
  • 2.60.5 (2023-10-30)
    Updates to packages
  • 2.60.4 (2023-10-30)
    Footer link enhancements
  • 2.60.3 (2023-10-30)
    Path correcting redirects for /*/*/signals/signals/map/*
  • 2.60.2 (2023-10-30)
    Path correcting redirect for /*/*/signals/signals/NNN to prevent errors
  • 2.60.1 (2023-10-30)
    Path correcting redirect for /*/*/signals/signals to prevent errors
  • 2.60.0 (2023-10-30)
    Bug fix for export of KML list in log session details - discovered during log review
  • 2.59.5 (2023-10-29)
    Made setting of attributes for new signals when adding from logs import much safer
  • 2.59.4 (2023-10-24)
    Bug fix for error when saving profile - thanks Brian Keyte for bug report
  • 2.59.3 (2023-10-05)
    Added Channels mode for CLE admins
  • 2.59.2 (2023-09-26)
    Chirpconvert code minified
  • 2.59.1 (2023-09-26)
    Chirp convert now applies comments
  • 2.59.0 (2023-09-26)
    Added Chirp file converter for ME
  • 2.58.9 (2023-09-18)
    Donations now join on donors via donorID
  • 2.58.8 (2023-09-18)
    Bug fix for last build
  • 2.58.7 (2023-09-18)
    New donation now uses dropdown for donor
  • 2.58.6 (2023-08-29)
    Bug fix following entity / model alignment
  • 2.58.5 (2023-08-29)
    More data in donations report
  • 2.58.4 (2023-08-28)
    Added Donor Notes for admins
  • 2.58.3 (2023-08-27)
    Revised public donations page, gifts shown
  • 2.58.2 (2023-08-27)
    Donations system tweaks
  • 2.58.1 (2023-08-27)
    Sync DB Schema and Entity maps
  • 2.58.0 (2023-08-26)
    Added Donations Management
  • 2.57.5 (2023-08-25)
    Code fixes for newer PHP, Intelisense hints
  • 2.57.4 (2023-07-31)
    Signal active status now a series of visible checkboxes
  • 2.57.3 (2023-07-31)
    Bugfix for Listeners List default save - thanks Steve Howe for the report
  • 2.57.2 (2023-07-26)
    Version bump for Security patch recommended by github
  • Merge (2023-07-26)
    pull request #34 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/tough-cookie-and-less--removed
  • 2.57.1 (2023-07-26)
    Styling for callsign lookups for contributors
  • 2.57.0 (2023-07-26)
    Added callsign lookups for contributors
  • Bump (2023-07-08)
    tough-cookie and less
  • 2.56.6 (2023-02-04)
    Security patching recommended by Github, updated TODO
  • Merge (2023-02-03)
    pull request #32 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/json-schema-and-jsprim-0.4.0
  • Merge (2023-02-03)
    pull request #33 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/shelljs-and-grunt-contrib-jshint--removed
  • Merge (2023-02-03)
    pull request #31 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/minimatch-3.0.8
  • Merge (2023-02-03)
    pull request #30 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/minimist-and-mkdirp-1.2.7
  • Merge (2023-02-03)
    pull request #28 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/security-bundle-4.4.50
  • Bump (2023-02-03)
    symfony/security-bundle from 4.4.21 to 4.4.50
  • Bump (2023-02-03)
    shelljs and grunt-contrib-jshint
  • Bump (2023-02-03)
    json-schema and jsprim
  • Bump (2023-02-03)
    minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.0.8
  • Bump (2023-02-03)
    minimist and mkdirp
  • Merge (2023-02-03)
    pull request #27 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/qs-6.5.3
  • Merge (2023-02-03)
    pull request #26 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/decode-uri-component-0.2.2
  • Merge (2023-02-03)
    branch 'master' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/decode-uri-component-0.2.2
  • Merge (2023-02-03)
    pull request #25 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/twig/twig-3.4.3
  • Merge (2023-02-03)
    pull request #24 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/grunt-1.5.3
  • Merge (2023-02-03)
    pull request #23 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/async-2.6.4
  • 2.56.5 (2023-02-03)
    Add log for input box clears after use - thanks S M O'Kelley for the suggestion
  • 2.56.4 (2022-12-15)
    CLE code now supports new status values for 'Decommissioned' and 'All inc Decomm', removed strikethrough on decomm
  • 2.56.3 (2022-12-13)
    Now decommissioned signals are clearly identified in signal list, seeklist and maps
  • 2.56.2 (2022-12-13)
    Bug fix for 'All' filter - wasn't excluding decommissioned as it should have done.
  • Bump (2022-12-12)
    qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3
  • 2.56.1 (2022-12-12)
    Added Deg column to Listener signals export for txt and csv - thanks Andrea Dalbagno for the suggestion
  • 2.56.0 (2022-12-12)
    Implemented 'Decommissioned' status for signals to distinguish between 'intermittently off' on and 'gone for ever' - thanks Vernon for the suggestion
  • Bump (2022-12-02)
    decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2
  • 2.55.1 (2022-10-08)
    Bug fix for column sort in Listener Signals report - thanks to Stephen S Howe and Steve M O'Kelley for their reports which arrived the same day
  • Bump (2022-09-30)
    twig/twig from 3.3.8 to 3.4.3
  • 2.55.0 (2022-09-18)
    Uploader now prevents upload of ANY log with invalid LSB, USB or cycle time values
  • 2.54.7 (2022-09-18)
    Updated Roelof's email address following his recent change of ISP
  • 2.54.6 (2022-09-13)
    In new call-frequency search mode if enter key is pressed causing form submission, blur action happens first
  • 2.54.5 (2022-09-13)
    Can now enter call with frequency in signals search, also form reset no longer confirms if no preferences are saved
  • 2.54.4 (2022-09-12)
    Operator moved ahead of Listener in Log Sessions and User (Admin Uploader) Log Sessions
  • 2.54.3 (2022-09-11)
    Listener's combined name and location used in Log Sessions now fully searchable in filter and saved as a single field in the database
  • 2.54.2 (2022-09-10)
    Subtle tweak to PHP version of Morse Encoder to make its algorithm handling translation of Cyrillic characters identical
  • 2.54.1 (2022-09-10)
    Display of Morse characters now handles cyrillic 'Translit' combinations, also fixed in NBD Weblog - thanks Roelof and Ivan
  • 2.54.0 (2022-09-10)
    Can now filter signals on text within Notes field - added to find 'Russian Morse' for Cyrillic letters morse code issue
  • 2.53.5 (2022-09-10)
    Operator Name now follows additional Listener Location fields - SP, ITU and GSQ - to avoid any confusion when viewing log sessions
  • 2.53.4 (2022-09-08)
    Log Sessions location filter now also checks GSQ
  • 2.53.3 (2022-09-08)
    Log Sessions now permits filtering on comment and location
  • 2.53.2 (2022-09-07)
    Bug fix for Admin Tools - check IP address to use supplied IP address when determining the user's RXX system
  • 2.53.1 (2022-09-05)
    Bug fix for Log Session maps - broke about a week ago in 2.51.5
  • 2.53.0 (2022-09-05)
    Added filtering by type on main Log Sessions screen - allows visitor to focus on what interests them
  • 2.52.10 (2022-09-05)
    Internal code refactoring in preparation for Log Session filtering, added GSQ to public visitor View of log session owner
  • 2.52.9 (2022-09-04)
    Log Session details screen now shows stats if recorded
  • 2.52.8 (2022-08-29)
    Log Session Log Delete now properly implemented, updating log or log session causes log session stats to recompute
  • 2.52.7 (2022-08-28)
    Text export of logs for log session now ordered by frequency and callsign and operator name goes above list
  • 2.52.6 (2022-08-28)
    Saving Log Session now triggers full recalculation of its stats
  • 2.52.5 (2022-08-28)
    Bug fix for column sorting in Listener Signals
  • 2.52.4 (2022-08-28)
    RX Link no longer wraps
  • 2.52.3 (2022-08-28)
    Remote Radio links now styled differently than listener websites in listeners list and display inactive if receiver location is inactive
  • 2.52.2 (2022-08-28)
    Log Session Logs default display order now by frequency, remote radio links now red or grey if inactive
  • 2.52.1 (2022-08-27)
    Log uploader prevents second submission, properly detects duplicate records, stats corrected, displays Comment in parse results
  • 2.52.0 (2022-08-27)
    Added Daytime / Nighttime shroud to signal and listener maps - uses library developed by Rossen Georgiev -
  • 2.51.6 (2022-08-27)
    Bug fix to prevent adverse interaction between Signals Map and CLE Details Banner
  • 2.51.5 (2022-08-26)
    Listener Remote Log Sessions now include receiver access link
  • 2.51.4 (2022-08-26)
    Log Sessions Location now includes link if it is a multi-op location
  • 2.51.3 (2022-08-26)
    CLE countdown timer uses a bit less space, and adds tooltip that time remaining is based on the time on your computer
  • 2.51.2 (2022-08-26)
    CLE banner hide / show has tooltip, CLE date range supports HTML
  • 2.51.1 (2022-08-26)
    CLE banner now displays Additional Info if given and is collapsable
  • 2.51.0 (2022-08-26)
    Added ability for admins to export Listener Locations list to csv (kml and txt may come later)
  • 2.50.13 (2022-08-25)
    Fix for buggy Daytime calculations affecting listeners in the Pacific at 10 hours or more ahead or behind UTC - thanks James Fraser
  • 2.50.12 (2022-08-22)
    Operator select options no longer start with RXX ID and rejigged Edit Session form for better use of space
  • 2.50.11 (2022-08-22)
    Applied painting of DX and bearing columns to Parse log for admins also for consistency
  • 2.50.10 (2022-08-22)
    Where listings show distance or bearing, these columns are now consistently positioned and coloured in green
  • 2.50.9 (2022-08-22)
    Listeners report sharing now supports location type and multi-op fields and Log Upload has larger area for Operator when dealing with multi-op listening locations
  • 2.50.8 (2022-08-21)
    Listeners report now has additional filtering options for how active the location is
  • 2.50.7 (2022-08-21)
    NDB Weblog CSS tweak for better mapping
  • 2.50.6 (2022-08-21)
    NDB Weblog CSS tweak
  • 2.50.5 (2022-08-21)
    NDB Weblog CSS fixes for action button widths - wasn't valid CSS
  • 2.50.4 (2022-08-21)
    Bug fix - admins couldn't update a comment for an uploaded log session - thanks to Jorge Garzón Gutiérrez for the report
  • 2.50.3 (2022-08-21)
    Moved more vestigial code supporting NDB Weblog into this repo and fixed some URLs to prevent cross-domain issues
  • 2.50.2 (2022-08-21)
    NDB Weblog version info now in this repo, and signal details come from new RXX not legacy version
  • 2.50.1 (2022-08-20)
    'Heard By' listeners list now makes clear which listener locations are now inactive
  • 2.50.0 (2022-08-20)
    Signals list now has ability to filter 'heard by' listeners list to show single or multi operator, and these are clearly identified in the listing
  • 2.49.2 (2022-08-17)
    Listener Locations on menu renamed to 'Locations' and CLE indicator will now always show if CLE is active, not just in Signals mode
  • 2.49.1 (2022-08-17)
    One more minor tweak to menu item ordering
  • 2.49.0 (2022-08-17)
    Log Sessions now available for view by all visitors - with special 'view only' mode for non-admins
  • 2.48.1 (2022-08-16)
    Better accounting when a log session record is deleted for a listener, a user, or from the main log sessions report
  • 2.48.0 (2022-08-16)
    User Details now includes Sessions Uploaded by this user
  • 2.47.7 (2022-08-12)
    Listeners Map sorted column indication fixed
  • 2.47.6 (2022-08-12)
    Listeners Map is now sortable by all columns
  • 2.47.5 (2022-08-11)
    Signal Maps Station Lists are now sortable by all columns
  • 2.47.4 (2022-08-11)
    Small refactoring of Listeners Map sizing code
  • 2.47.3 (2022-08-11)
    Signals Map now includes DX and Bearing data when a GSQ is given, even if 'Personalise' listener name has been set
  • 2.47.2 (2022-08-11)
    Signals Map for Listener and Signals Map for Log Session now always include listener location in the initial map viewport
  • 2.47.1 (2022-08-10)
    Bug fix for log uploads where duplicated records are seen
  • 2.47.0 (2022-08-08)
    Map modes now show DX and Bearing: Signals Map with personalise, Listener Signals Map and Session Signals map. Listener Logs and Listener Signals also show Bearing now
  • 2.46.8 (2022-08-07)
    Bug fix for new user creation
  • 2.46.7 (2022-08-06)
    Log Uploader now has a link to auto-populate the comment field to 'CLE NNN' with the number currently set in the CLE editor
  • 2.46.6 (2022-08-06)
    Log sessions now have a signals map tab
  • 2.46.5 (2022-08-06)
    Log upload now sets signals count for log session
  • 2.46.4 (2022-08-06)
    Log session popup window now has tab for Signals, and export modes for this new mode.
  • 2.46.3 (2022-08-06)
    Listener Session and Remote Sessions reports now include Signals column, log session signal type stats now show distinct signals in each case NOT log counts per type
  • 2.46.2 (2022-08-06)
    Log Sessions stats updates now limited to 500 at a time to avoid out of memory issues, added Calgary test for IP6 decoder
  • 2.46.1 (2022-08-06)
    Log Sessions report now shows number of distinct signals heard in each case
  • 2.46.0 (2022-08-05)
    Log Session popup now has tab to view just logs from that session and export the logs in csv or txt formats
  • 2.45.13 (2022-08-05)
    View Log ID and View Log Session Details now available to regular visitors
  • 2.45.12 (2022-08-05)
    Fixed popup link for Log Window to edit Log Session
  • 2.45.11 (2022-08-05)
    Moved LogSessions code out of admin area and refactored it into separate classes
  • 2.45.10 (2022-08-05)
    Edit Log session and upload logs now use ajax-driven styled selector for Operator and Listener
  • 2.45.9 (2022-08-03)
    Bug fix - had rashly removed RXX::lead_nbsp() function that was still needed - thanks Rosario for the bug report
  • 2.45.8 (2022-08-03)
    Log edit now loads operators in similar way to Listeners so styling can be applied
  • 2.45.7 (2022-08-03)
    Log edit now shows Session ID and fixed broken Listener Location field options
  • 2.45.6 (2022-08-03)
    Bug fix: Signal type colours were all messed up in 'signal' dropdown in edit log control
  • 2.45.5 (2022-08-01)
    Admins can now edit Log Sessions - can remap these to new location and / or operator and updates all affected stats
  • 2.45.4 (2022-07-31)
    Fixed Auroral Maps in Weather section (LONG overdue!)
  • 2.45.3 (2022-07-29)
    Log session improved sorting order, and added ability to minimise logs in main log sessions window for admins
  • 2.45.2 (2022-07-29)
    Additional redirects set up for short form admin URL access
  • 2.45.1 (2022-07-29)
    Stability tweak for log upload with invalid date, tweaked PSKOV preset format for MF beacons
  • 2.45.0 (2022-07-28)
    Log Uploads now decoupled from Log processing, but still operates as a single pass... for now
  • 2.44.20 (2022-07-26)
    Take 2 for Fix for Signals form KHz fields with extended keyboards
  • 2.44.19 (2022-07-26)
    Fix for Signals form KHz fields in some browsers / platforms - thanks to several folk who reported this issue
  • 2.44.18 (2022-07-26)
    Admin links for Listener Log Upload Links now show RXX ID with secondary locations shown in red.
  • 2.44.17 (2022-07-25)
    CLE countdown timer now hides zone when timeout is finished
  • 2.44.16 (2022-07-25)
    CLE countdown timer now updates every 5 seconds
  • 2.44.12 (2022-07-25)
    Signal form now converts ',' to '.' for decimal frequencies - thanks Joachim for bug report with comma decimals
  • 2.44.14 (2022-07-25)
    CLE Active banner now shows time remaining for CLE
  • 2.44.13 (2022-07-24)
    CLE Banner for Signals screen now includes full details and functional links
  • 2.44.12 (2022-07-24)
    Signal form now converts ',' to '.' for decimal frequencies - thanks Joachim for reporting bug with comma decimals
  • 2.44.11 (2022-07-24)
    Moved 'heard in' out of 'Loggings' and CLE notice now only shows for Signals list mode
  • 2.44.10 (2022-07-23)
    Another menu tweak
  • 2.44.9 (2022-07-23)
    Small spacing tweak for menu
  • 2.44.8 (2022-07-23)
    Now shows current CLE number with range when one is currently live
  • 2.44.7 (2022-07-23)
    Print mode bug fix for responsive layout
  • 2.44.6 (2022-07-23)
    Added ability to hide notes in Signals listings to save paper
  • 2.44.5 (2022-07-21)
    Added 'has logs' for listeners report in all systems and made '(all)' the default following conversation with Vernon yesterday
  • 2.44.4 (2022-07-20)
    Set default values in Listener Entity for Active, Multi-operator and Timezone - thanks Vernon for the bug report
  • 2.44.3 (2022-07-20)
    Increased session timeout for logged-in users to one day
  • 2.44.2 (2022-07-20)
    More work towards batch log uploads, and extended comment field in log session to 255 chars (20 was silly)
  • 2.44.1 (2022-07-19)
    Added notes and Latest Log date to Listener Signals
  • 2.44.0 (2022-07-19)
    Start of Log Upload Batch Processing for handling large logs without errors. This is just the Status Display portion.
  • 2.43.11 (2022-07-19)
    Log Upload Parser system now accepts more conventional '-' as date field delimiter, e.g. 'YYYY-MM-DD' as well as 'YYYY.MM.DD'
  • 2.43.10 (2022-07-18)
    Added Native RXX export format in presets to facilitate log consolidation and batching for remote logs
  • 2.43.9 (2022-07-18)
    Bug fix - Log Session Upload comment field no longer required
  • 2.43.8 (2022-07-18)
    Added Remote Log Sessions for listeners, Log Sessions now permit a short comment (e.g. CLE-NNN)
  • 2.43.7 (2022-07-18)
    Bug fix for log uploads after last changes - thanks and sorry to Roelof for the bug report
  • 2.43.6 (2022-07-18)
    Listeners report - Notes filter for admins now works, added colour coding for Y / N values and RXX ID
  • 2.43.5 (2022-07-18)
    Old logs can now be exported and reimported with an operator name and placing them inside a new log session wrapper
  • 2.43.4 (2022-07-17)
    Added csv and txt export for Remote Logs and included Operator in logs export for Listener if Multi-Operator facility
  • 2.43.3 (2022-07-17)
    Can now filter listener locations on Primary QTH value
  • 2.43.2 (2022-07-17)
    Fix to prevent Morse ident in signal details from exceeding its containing box, especially with ham signals that have longer callsigns
  • 2.43.1 (2022-07-17)
    Minor tweaks to popup window size for new signal and use of 'half-with spaces' in morse code idents to fit better for ham beacons
  • 2.43.0 (2022-07-16)
    Listeners can now see their remote log sessions
  • 2.42.9 (2022-07-16)
    Column order tweaks for listener logs and signal logs
  • 2.42.8 (2022-07-16)
    RWW Listeners now defaults to only showing listeners with logs, admin view filter form options clarified
  • 2.42.7 (2022-07-16)
    Operators filter for Listeners is now a radio group for easier access
  • 2.42.6 (2022-07-14)
    Logs for Listener Location 'Operator' field now just shows name
  • 2.42.5 (2022-07-14)
    Improvements to Multi-Listener Location Log and Log Session dislay
  • 2.42.4 (2022-07-13)
    Log sessions and logs now show operator, log upload prompts for operator for multi-operator locations
  • 2.42.3 (2022-07-13)
    Added support for Multi-Operator Listeners and identification of Operator Name in Logs and Log Sessions
  • 2.42.2 (2022-07-11)
    Export signals to PSKOV now tells user of required filename when exporting from REU or RNA - thanks Andrea for idea
  • 2.42.1 (2022-07-11)
    Made display of RXX software version appear in menu header
  • 2.42.0 (2022-07-11)
    Removed code to support switching to 'Classic' mode
  • 2.41.6 (2022-07-11)
    One more bug fix for correctly identifying 'daytime' in NDB Weblog
  • 2.41.5 (2022-07-11)
    More bug fixes for NDB Weblog to correctly show which logs are daytime vs nighttime
  • 2.41.4 (2022-07-11)
    Bug fixes for NDB Weblog as integrated within RNA - now shows UTC time and Daytime in header of document
  • 2.41.3 (2022-07-10)
    Bug fix for export of all signals in csv, kml, txt and xls (for PSKOV) - thanks Andrea and Noel for the bug report.
  • 2.41.2 (2022-07-06)
    bin/console rxx:update command now reads the DSN value declared in .env file to update the local database as defined
  • 2.41.1 (2022-07-05)
    Added endpoint for WWSU to query database for matching listener record
  • 2.41.0 (2022-07-05)
    Start of support for WWSU Upload integration - WWSU fields now settable per listener
  • 2.40.6 (2022-07-05)
    Quicklink URL simplification and CLE links now match sharing links in order
  • 2.40.5 (2022-07-04)
    Listeners report added display of Notes column and filter on this for Admin users
  • 2.40.4 (2022-07-04)
    Listeners report can now take a list of RXX IDs to match against - thanks S M O'Kelly for producing the first update list that could take advantage of this
  • 2.40.3 (2022-07-04)
    Bug fix for saving new Status values in Listener Report as Default setting
  • 2.40.2 (2022-07-04)
    Renamed 'Save' button on Listener and Signal reports to 'Set Default' to make its purpose clearer
  • 2.40.1 (2022-07-04)
    Listeners Filtering bug fix to allow Search field to be used WITH Status
  • 2.40.0 (2022-07-04)
    Listeners now have a new hard active flag for indicating Silent Key or Former Address, and can be filtered on a range of statuses - thanks Vernon for the chat that led to this enhancement.
  • 2.39.2 (2022-07-01)
    New 'Quick Upload' mini-form for admins to go directly to upload a listener who has included their RXX ID in the log
  • 2.39.1 (2022-07-01)
    Bug fix for predefined log format for WWSU - had invalid tokens in wrong position
  • 2.39.0 (2022-06-30)
    Morse Code can now be added to Signals List through the 'customise' function. Thanks to Martin Francis for this brilliant and long overlooked idea - toot toot!
  • 2.38.3 (2022-06-30)
    Morse Code for station ident now shown in Signal view for NDBs and HAM Beacons
  • 2.38.2 (2022-06-30)
    Admin signals view no longer prioritises active over inactive when showing unlogged or all signals
  • 2.38.1 (2022-06-30)
    Whenever Listener name is displayed, RXX ID is now also included
  • 2.38.0 (2022-06-29)
    Added additional paging controls for prev / next at bottom of listeners and signals listings
  • 2.37.1 (2022-06-23)
    Listener's report and form now include RXX ID for reference in making updates, admins can filter on that
  • 2.37.0 (2022-06-23)
    Listener's report now shows equipment in use and offers filtering on same
  • 2.36.3 (2022-06-18)
    A couple of minor layout tweaks for the CLE page
  • 2.36.2 (2022-06-18)
    CSS Tweak for wider Channels dropdown selector
  • 2.36.1 (2022-06-18)
    Migration script to update database to allow for values of 3 and 4 for cle channels (10KHz channel markers)
  • 2.36.0 (2022-06-18)
    Added ability to filter signals that are on - or are NOT on - 10KHz channel spacings for CLE281
  • Bump (2022-05-25)
    grunt from 1.3.0 to 1.5.3
  • 2.35.1 (2022-05-06)
    Roelof now taking care of NDBs for RWW and 10M Ham beacons worldwide - 'Time' and 'Other' signals now unmaintained. Thanks Roelof for taking on NDBs in RWW and all admins for their continued faithful service to this community.
  • Merge (2022-04-30)
    branch 'master' of
  • 2.35.0 (2022-04-30)
    Rosario Palermo is now listed as the DSC signal editor - thanks Rosario for stepping up and Peter Conway for your faithful service and for training your replacement - happy retirement :-)
  • Bump (2022-04-29)
    async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4
  • 2.34.5 (2022-02-26)
    Changed location for geoip database so it won't be erased when the application cache is cleared
  • Merge (2022-02-19)
    pull request #20 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/twig/twig-3.3.8
  • Merge (2022-02-19)
    pull request #21 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ajv-6.12.6
  • 2.34.4 (2022-02-19)
    Change log now links directly to github commit differences log for each versioned tag
  • 2.34.3 (2022-02-19)
    Group by and date fixes for MySQL 8.0 - not live yet, but vagrant default
  • 2.34.2 (2022-02-19)
    Properly implemented signal filtering for callsign of '0' - no longer causes issues with sort order
  • 2.34.1 (2022-02-16)
    Signals list callsign filter field now capitalises value server-side - client side fix was messing up values on tablets - thanks Mark K3MSB
  • 2.34.0 (2022-02-14)
    CLE Export csv files now have descriptive names, all filtered exports from signals listing page now prompt user for name - thanks David GM8XBZ for suggestion
  • 2.33.6 (2022-02-12)
    Updated GeoIP test tool to support IP6 addresses also
  • 2.33.5 (2022-02-12)
    Bug fix for broken column ordering
  • 2.33.4 (2022-02-12)
    Ident field now always set to uppercase for better results highlighting,
  • 2.33.3 (2022-02-12)
    Improved debug logging
  • 2.33.2 (2022-02-12)
    Bug fix for correct setting of user passwords when updating DB in a dev environment
  • Bump (2022-02-11)
    ajv from 6.11.0 to 6.12.6
  • Bump (2022-02-11)
    twig/twig from 3.3.0 to 3.3.8
  • 2.33.1 (2022-02-06)
    Updated GeoIP interface to allow for automated download of new database
  • 2.33.0 (2022-02-04)
    Added admin tool for testing IP address Geo Lookups
  • 2.32.1 (2022-01-22)
    Changes to allow for filtering on a signal with ident of '0' (reported by Vernon)
  • 2.32.0 (2022-01-22)
    Added console command rxx:update to automate fetching and population of latest DB to dev instance, and the setting of user passwords
  • 2.31.5 (2022-01-20)
    Adjustments to allow a log having an ident of '0' to successfully parse - thanks Vernon for the bug report and your faithful service as an RXX editor
  • 2.31.4 (2022-01-05)
    Various security upgrades
  • Merge (2022-01-05)
    pull request #19 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/security-http-4.4.36
  • Bump (2022-01-05)
    symfony/security-http from 4.4.21 to 4.4.36
  • Merge (2022-01-05)
    pull request #18 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/serializer-4.4.35
  • Merge (2022-01-05)
    pull request #16 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/security-core-4.4.23
  • Merge (2022-01-05)
    pull request #15 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/security-guard-4.4.23
  • Merge (2022-01-05)
    pull request #12 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/grunt-1.3.0
  • Bump (2022-01-05)
    grunt from 1.1.0 to 1.3.0
  • 2.31.3 (2022-01-05)
    Inactive signals no longer have strikethrough as requested by Mark K3MSB
  • 2.31.2 (2022-01-02)
    Fix for Log Session Stats fixer when the first or last logged date is not a valid datetime value
  • Bump (2021-11-24)
    symfony/serializer from 4.4.20 to 4.4.35
  • Bump (2021-05-13)
    symfony/security-core from 4.4.21 to 4.4.23
  • Bump (2021-05-13)
    symfony/security-guard from 4.4.20 to 4.4.23
  • 2.31.1 (2021-04-16)
    Fixes for MySQL 8's stricter 'Group By' requirements
  • 2.31.0 (2021-04-16)
    Added Captcha verification for listener awards
  • 2.30.9 (2021-04-15)
    Symfony Dependencies Update
  • 2.30.8 (2021-04-04)
    Inactive signals now indicated with linethrough as well as italics and greyed out - thanks Vernon
  • 2.30.7 (2021-04-02)
    Parsed logs that have contain 'inactive' signals are now held back for admin review - thanks Vernon Matheson
  • 2.30.6 (2021-03-23)
    Signals CSV export now doubles up embedded quotes to comply with strict format required for Open Office - thanks EDGAR J Twining
  • 2.30.5 (2021-02-27)
    Changes for Admin Info to not break in Homestead vagrant
  • 2.30.4 (2021-02-27)
    Minor tweaks to work with PHP 8.0
  • 2.30.3 (2021-02-22)
    Changes to Parse Log template for new internal indication of approx offsets - Thanks Vernon for the bug report, and Joe Farley for a log that showed the error
  • 2.30.2 (2021-02-19)
    Added tool to fix log_session record count errors, and remove blank ones fixing up stats for listeners who had them
  • 2.30.1 (2021-02-19)
    Removed security checker plugin - no longer supported
  • 2.30.0 (2021-02-15)
    Added Disable Logon option to pevent admins from carrying out operations during maintenance
  • 2.29.11 (2021-02-14)
    Bug fix for previous adjustment - with apologies to our admins - sorry gents!
  • 2.29.10 (2021-02-13)
    Fix for Log Edit to correctly mark LSB and USB Approximate values
  • 2.29.9 (2021-02-01)
    Fix for new signals not saving Region - thanks Vernon Matheson for the bug report
  • 2.29.8 (2021-01-30)
    Fix for Listener Locator Map
  • 2.29.7 (2021-01-24)
    Updated dependencies
  • 2.29.6 (2021-01-23)
    Added Todo and robots.txt file
  • 2.29.5 (2021-01-19)
    Increased range of tones and playback speed for the Negative Keyer Tool - thanks Dave Dunsmoor
  • 2.29.4 (2021-01-19)
    Show / Hide tips for 'Listeners' page now only shown for regular users - doesn't apply to Admins
  • 2.29.3 (2021-01-19)
    Added ability to hide / show tips for Signals and Listeners pages, state is saved in a cookie
  • 2.29.2 (2021-01-19)
    Added ability to hide / show footer credits section, state is saved in a cookie
  • 2.29.1 (2021-01-18)
    JS Fixes for handling zero matched signals in Listing, Seeklist and Map modes
  • 2.29.0 (2021-01-17)
    Major refactoring of Signals Controller for having all three web display modes ajax driven
  • 2.28.8 (2021-01-15)
    Paging controls now hidden for Signals Seeklist where this is not used
  • 2.28.7 (2021-01-15)
    Bug fix for Signals Paging controls not working correctly
  • 2.28.6 (2021-01-15)
    One more step towards full AJAX loading in signals page - column headers now created via response handler
  • 2.28.5 (2021-01-15)
    Calendar icon fix, Listeners Form 'clear' now clears cookie, settings cookie now no longer forces jump to a given page
  • 2.28.4 (2021-01-14)
    Performance improvements - DB queries on signals listing page reduced from 8 to 2, time from 118ms to 4.5ms (excluding Ajax call)
  • 2.28.3 (2021-01-14)
    System generated i18n.js file and version-specific css and JS files now served with 1 day cache expiry header
  • 2.28.2 (2021-01-13)
    Fixed highlighting of matched terms for signals - broken since Ajax loading came in September 2020
  • 2.28.1 (2021-01-13)
    More work towards true ajax loading of signal results without whole page reloading
  • 2.28.0 (2021-01-11)
    System Listing performance improvements - Ajax page load code moved into minified functions.js file
  • 2.27.6 (2021-01-11)
    Listeners List layout now optimises responsive layout for displayed columns (e.g. signal types, admin options)
  • 2.27.5 (2021-01-09)
    Signal Search / Log Parser fix for signals with unicode call letters, e.g. ÄB-402 - thanks Roelof
  • 2.27.4 (2021-01-09)
    Added Cormac as Navtex and DGPS admin, removed Pat and moved Roeloff to REU NDB duties
  • 2.27.3 (2021-01-08)
    Added Vernon as editor responsible for 'TIME' and 'OTHER' - Thanks Vernon
  • 2.27.2 (2021-01-08)
    Footer editors list now shown as a table to make responsibilities clearer, hid language bar for now
  • 2.27.1 (2021-01-05)
    Now if URL parameters are given (e.g. from shared link or CLE page), cookie for preferences is ignored.
  • 2.27.0 (2021-01-04)
    Added 'Save' button for Signals and Listeners report to save preferences in a cookie
  • 2.26.2 (2021-01-03)
    Added Log Session ID for Log Sessions Report
  • 2.26.1 (2021-01-03)
    Bug fix for wrong counts in log sessions when duplicate log entries are processed (Thanks Vernon)
  • 2.26.0 (2021-01-02)
    Added 'active' filter to Listeners list form
  • 2.25.7 (2021-01-01)
    Major refactoring of queries for listener logs and log sessions into their own repositories
  • 2.25.6 (2021-01-01)
    Listener Maps performance improvement - was pointlessly fetching log records
  • 2.25.5 (2020-12-31)
    Buf fix for log editing to set correct 'Heard In' value for countries without states and provinces
  • 2.25.4 (2020-12-31)
    Made log parsing a little less fragile
  • 2.25.3 (2020-12-31)
    Added ability to delete entire Log Session either from Log Sessions report or Listener's Log Sessions screen
  • 2.25.2 (2020-12-30)
    Log Sessions report has extra location fields for Listener, and indicates primary / secondary location
  • 2.25.1 (2020-12-30)
    Log Sessions report now links to listeners, tweaks to scrollable heights
  • 2.25.0 (2020-12-30)
    Log Sessions report for admins showing uploaded log sessions for ALL listeners
  • 2.24.6 (2020-12-29)
    Footer changes
  • 2.24.5 (2020-12-29)
    Signals 'Heard In' now expands AUS, CAN and USA to states - thanks Michael Oexner for the idea
  • 2.24.4 (2020-12-28)
    Big tidy up of JS functions into common objects
  • 2.24.3 (2020-12-28)
    Small bug fix for CLE Editorto correctly set 'Within' value in CLE Editor form from saved values
  • 2.24.2 (2020-12-28)
    CLE Editor updated to include 'Active', 'Recently' and 'Within' filter modes
  • 2.24.1 (2020-12-28)
    'Recently Heard' label changed to 'Most Recently' and arguments made clearer in URL
  • 2.24.0 (2020-12-27)
    New Signals filter combination - 'Recently heard' / 'Within (x months or years)'
  • 2.23.16 (2020-12-27)
    Tweak to order of columns in Listener's report to group 'Log Sessions' beside 'Latest Upload'
  • 2.23.15 (2020-12-27)
    Unit test fix
  • 2.23.14 (2020-12-27)
    Log Sessions auto-loads first session listed, Listener report shows Log Sessions
  • 2.23.13 (2020-12-26)
    Clearer indication when Logs for a session are being loaded
  • 2.23.12 (2020-12-26)
    Counts for each type of signal now show in Log Sessions
  • 2.23.11 (2020-12-26)
    Listeners Report now includes Latest Upload Date and Time
  • 2.23.10 (2020-12-26)
    Listener Logs, and Log Session Logs are now colour coded by signal type
  • 2.23.9 (2020-12-26)
    Log Sessions sub report now has correct title and removed incorrect export links
  • 2.23.8 (2020-12-26)
    Log Sessions sub report can now show logs included in each session
  • 2.23.7 (2020-12-26)
    Bug fix for NOT trying to update log_sessions when there are no valid logs associated with the session
  • 2.23.6 (2020-12-24)
    More work on Log Sessions subreport for Listeners
  • 2.23.5 (2020-12-24)
    Added Log Sessions display for Listeners Details Screen
  • 2.23.4 (2020-12-24)
    Log_session records now record first and last log for each session
  • 2.23.3 (2020-12-24)
    Now maps uploaded logs to log_session records
  • 2.23.2 (2020-12-23)
    Coordinate Conversion Tool now has 'copy' button and trims spaces - suggested by Edgar Twining
  • 2.23.1 (2020-12-21)
    Bug fixes after some entity properties were renamed in last release - thanks Anders H
  • 2.23.0 (2020-12-21)
    Preparation for Log Sessions to link groups logs for listener uploaded by an admin
  • 2.22.4 (2020-12-20)
    Further Tweak to stats caching age for crontab job
  • 2.22.3 (2020-12-20)
    Tweak to stats caching age for crontab job
  • 2.22.2 (2020-12-20)
    Stats are now cached and refreshed on a scheduled job
  • 2.22.1 (2020-12-20)
    Hawaii moved out of RNA - except for Signal Maps - and formally into RWW. Thanks Mike Tuggle
  • 2.22.0 (2020-12-19)
    Long standing bug for RNA not showing signals heard ONLY in Hawaii - fix adds 57 more signals to RNA
  • 2.21.5 (2020-12-18)
    Listener form editing now requires State / Province if ITU is AUS, CAN or USA
  • 2.21.4 (2020-12-14)
    Bug fix for 'Heard In' lists where heard in includes Oceania other than Hawaii - thanks Edgar Twining for the bug report
  • 2.21.3 (2020-12-13)
    Log parser no longer shows good results as warnings, and corrected prompted issue count when submitting - thanks Vernon Matteson
  • 2.21.2 (2020-12-12)
    Added Vernon as Ham Beacons Admin for REU, and listed him first in each case
  • 2.21.1 (2020-12-12)
    Removed some debug code left in previously - thanks Roelof Bakker for the bug report
  • 2.21.0 (2020-12-12)
    Now shows reasons for skipped logs to admin, and added Pskov Log Format as one of the preset values
  • 2.20.31 (2020-12-12)
    Relabelled 'New...' in listener listing to 'Add Listener' - thanks Vernon Matheson
  • 2.20.30 (2020-12-12)
    Fixed direct link for seeklist, listeners form now sets focus on search
  • 2.20.29 (2020-12-10)
    Added Vernon as RNA admin
  • 2.20.28 (2020-12-03)
    Log Uploader parser gives warning reasons and 'Prepare Email' action
  • 2.20.27 (2020-12-02)
    Redirect added for changelog as alias to changes
  • 2.20.26 (2020-12-02)
    Bug fix 'Users' report limit, now focuses value in Call / ID field - thanks Dick Palmer for the idea
  • 2.20.25 (2020-12-01)
    Bug fix for field names in medium and narrow layout to not try to include 'hidden' fields - thanks Brian Keyte
  • 2.20.24 (2020-11-15)
    Re-enabled 'Donate' system now that I have access to Paypal account again finally
  • 2.20.23 (2020-11-08)
    Additional bug fixes for Maps KML exports with signals having HTML Entities inside
  • 2.20.22 (2020-11-08)
    More changes to handle HTML entities for signal callsign and location
  • 2.20.21 (2020-11-08)
    Log Uploader converts commas to decimals for frequency and cycle times - thanks Pat Vignoud for the bug report
  • 2.20.20 (2020-11-06)
    Fix for HTML entities in Signal and Listener - thanks Pat Vignoud for the bug report
  • 2.20.19 (2020-11-02)
    Update for new callsign for our editor Brandon Jordan
  • 2.20.18 (2020-10-20)
    Bug fix for Signals Listing when user clicks 'Listing' tab - thanks Mark K3MSB for the bug report
  • 2.20.17 (2020-09-27)
    Symfony updates and translation patch
  • 2.20.16 (2020-09-27)
    Migration Entity added
  • 2.20.15 (2020-09-27)
    Migration to add index to logs region
  • 2.20.15 (2020-09-27)
    Entity Updates
  • 2.20.14 (2020-09-27)
    Bug fix and speed boost for Log Stats by querying listeners not logs and fixing RNA stats system filter
  • 2.20.13 (2020-09-26)
    Prevented 'Unknown' as an RWW Region Focus (we always know where listeners are)
  • 2.20.12 (2020-09-25)
    Fixed Export to PSKOV, reduced signal list json by 20% by eliminating unused fields
  • 2.20.11 (2020-09-24)
    Fixed Signal delete, implemented admin_mode switching in Ajax
  • 2.20.10 (2020-09-24)
    Security patching for Symfony
  • Merge (2020-09-24)
    pull request #11 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/http-kernel-4.4.13
  • 2.20.9 (2020-09-24)
    Bug fix for signal listing when signed in as an admin
  • 2.20.8 (2020-09-13)
    More work on Ajax Listing - Stats now load after main results via Ajax, 'Loading' message shown in results area
  • 2.20.7 (2020-09-11)
    More work on Ajax Listing - fixed 'Personalise'
  • 2.20.6 (2020-09-07)
    More work on Ajax Listing
  • 2.20.5 (2020-09-05)
    Bug fix for coordinates conversion - thanks Dan Collier for the bug report
  • Bump (2020-09-02)
    symfony/http-kernel from 4.4.11 to 4.4.13
  • 2.20.4 (2020-08-29)
    First steps towards making Signals List Ajax driven - disabled for now
  • 2.20.3 (2020-08-29)
    Bug fix for signals link sharing to handle selection of all results
  • 2.20.2 (2020-08-29)
    New signal .kml signal export option, and bug fix for csv export option
  • 2.20.1 (2020-08-27)
    Moved all autowired repositories into base classes for controller and forms
  • 2.20.0 (2020-08-26)
    Removed existing rest interface and FOS Rest system
  • 2.19.5 (2020-08-24)
    Speed increase for signals listing no no longer hydrating signals to signal entities - prompted by Joachim Rabe
  • 2.19.4 (2020-08-20)
    Fix for Coordinates Converter to handle a range of D/M/S indicator characters - thanks Edgar J Twining
  • 2.19.3 (2020-08-19)
    CLE editor non-required field fixes, Users report now properly applies limit and paging
  • 2.19.2 (2020-08-18)
    User Profile page now shows rights and only shows logs processed message for admins and master admins.
  • 2.19.1 (2020-08-18)
    Enabled Profile and Logout buttons for CLE Admin, temporarily disabled Donate button
  • 2.19.0 (2020-08-16)
    CLE Editor now implemented
  • 2.18.5 (2020-08-13)
    Tweaks to PSKOV export format - thanks to Anders H. and Rod
  • 2.18.4 (2020-08-12)
    Donations Page now includes Patreon as a donation option
  • 2.18.3 (2020-08-12)
    Sharable csv export link now correctly applies selected signal types
  • 2.18.2 (2020-08-12)
    Signal Exports now respect filtered signal types
  • 2.18.1 (2020-08-11)
    PSKOV export now on main actions bar, now exports all of RWW regardless of system
  • 2.18.0 (2020-08-11)
    Added PSKOV Export Format (old XLS based on tables)
  • 2.17.5 (2020-08-11)
    User Status toolbar now shows roles for logged in user
  • 2.17.4 (2020-08-07)
    Symfony Upgrade via Composer from 4.4.9 to 4.4.11
  • 2.17.3 (2020-08-07)
    Increased data size for CLE details panels
  • 2.17.2 (2020-08-06)
    Added CLE Admin role
  • 2.17.1 (2020-08-06)
    Added Profile Editing for logged in admins, and display of stats for logs processed.
  • 2.17.0 (2020-08-03)
    Now supports different admin roles, and has User Accounts manager and editor. Logons are now tracked.
  • 2.16.7 (2020-07-21)
    Updated Brandon's email address as Ham Editor and NDB editor for RNA / RWW
  • 2.16.6 (2020-07-19)
    Bug fix for git vrsion date checking on oder versions of git
  • Merge (2020-07-19)
    pull request #10 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/lodash-4.17.19
  • 2.16.5 (2020-07-19)
    New version entries now show 'NEW' label and Changes button has indicator
  • 2.16.4 (2020-07-19)
    Tweak for Changelog name drop callouts for known contributors whose names are already bracketed
  • 2.16.3 (2020-07-19)
    Signal List sort by KHz now has secondary sort by Callsign - thanks Peter Conway
  • 2.16.2 (2020-07-18)
    Tool Widget redirects added for system and mode only options
  • 2.16.1 (2020-07-17)
    Improvements to Negative Keyer tool
  • Bump (2020-07-16)
    lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19
  • 2.16.0 (2020-07-15)
    Added Brian Keyte / Joachim Rabe's BKeyer negative ident tool to the 'Tools' page
  • 2.15.2 (2020-07-14)
    Footers now list incoming Brandon Jordan as RNA + RWW NDB Editor + HAM beacons
  • 2.15.1 (2020-07-06)
    Tweaks to toolbar positioning
  • 2.15.0 (2020-07-06)
    Added dropdown menu for admins - will contain items specifically for admins
  • 2.14.1 (2020-07-04)
    Implemented first operating version of login using DB Users table
  • 2.14.0 (2020-07-04)
    Start of code for individualised admin and user logins
  • 2.13.13 (2020-07-02)
    Added tooltip for 'Latest Logs' block to make identification easier
  • 2.13.12 (2020-07-02)
    Bug fix for 'Add log for' when SP is present
  • 2.13.11 (2020-07-02)
    Log edit tweaks, 'Add Log For' list added tooltips with location details for clarity
  • 2.13.10 (2020-07-01)
    Completed Log editing - with stats updates and opener window refresh
  • 2.13.9 (2020-06-30)
    Additional bug fix for IE in popup() function - doesn't support includes()
  • 2.13.8 (2020-06-30)
    Bug fix for IE in popup() function - doesn't support includes()
  • 2.13.7 (2020-06-30)
    Bug fix for IE in pad() function - doesn't support repeat()
  • 2.13.6 (2020-06-30)
    More work on Log Edit - now correctly shows daytime logs and dx whenever listener or signal is changed
  • 2.13.5 (2020-06-29)
    Fixed Admin help, Log Upload tokens help now always available and has close icon
  • 2.13.4 (2020-06-27)
    More work on Log Edit to have Selectors fr Listener and Signal
  • 2.13.2 (2020-06-26)
    Tweaked Matmo tracking
  • 2.13.1 (2020-06-26)
    Added Matmo tracking to obtain usage stats
  • 2.13.0 (2020-06-25)
    Start of Log Editing - not yet complete
  • 2.12.4 (2020-06-24)
    Log upload date validation range checks added - Thanks Heinrich
  • 2.12.3 (2020-06-22)
    Improvements to lightning map - added links
  • 2.12.2 (2020-06-17)
    Lightning map added
  • 2.12.1 (2020-06-16)
    Better use of space in Weather Page, changelog versions now bookmarkable
  • 2.12.0 (2020-06-16)
    Start of Weather Page implementation
  • 2.11.2 (2020-06-15)
    Log uploader layout bug fix for IE, reported by Roelof Bakker
  • 2.11.1 (2020-06-14)
    Log uploader can preselect choices with only one active, includes some preset log formats
  • 2.10.13 (2020-06-14)
    Sunrise Calculator - set cookie path to root
  • 2.10.12 (2020-06-14)
    Tools popup / top links now icons, Sunrise 'about' text no longer shown in popup mode
  • 2.10.11 (2020-06-13)
    Sunrise / Sunset Calculator completed
  • 2.10.10 (2020-06-12)
    Bug fix for creating new listeners who have no latest_log date yet
  • 2.10.9 (2020-06-11)
    Bug fix for DGPS Ref ID Lookup broken after last update
  • 2.10.8 (2020-06-11)
    Added Navtex Decoder tool and fine tuned tool popup layouts
  • 2.10.7 (2020-06-10)
    Integrated Coordinates tool with Listener and Signal Profile screens, and completed 'Map' and 'Photo' links
  • 2.10.6 (2020-06-09)
    Bug fix on last release
  • 2.10.6 (2020-06-09)
    Mostly Implemented Coords tool
  • 2.10.5 (2020-06-07)
    Implemented DGPS Lookup tool
  • 2.10.4 (2020-06-06)
    Added MHZ parser token, useful when dealing with Ham beacons in the MHZ range
  • 2.10.3 (2020-06-06)
    Bug fix for signal filter involving first or last logged dates - thanks Joe Fahrenholtz for the bug report
  • 2.10.2 (2020-06-06)
    Tweaks to Log Upload following user feedback - 'Done' button and correct handling of last log deletion for a signal
  • 2.10.1 (2020-06-05)
    More work on Visitor Tools
  • 2.10.0 (2020-06-04)
    Log Uploader now ready for admins to use
  • 2.9.7 (2020-06-02)
    More work on stats - added stats/listeners to show all counts for each region as JSON
  • 2.9.6 (2020-06-02)
    More work on log parsing - added quicklinks for bulk selection
  • 2.9.5 (2020-06-02)
    Security patching -> Symfony 4.4.9
  • 2.9.4 (2020-06-01)
    Added more dedicated stats endpoints, linked from Signals Page
  • 2.9.3 (2020-06-01)
    Added clickable stats links in Signals Listing
  • 2.9.2 (2020-05-24)
    Security patching and start of Tools page
  • 2.9.1 (2020-05-24)
    Added redirectors for shortened URLs for changes and donate pages
  • 2.9.0 (2020-05-24)
    Added public Changelog and Donate pages and cross linked these to 'Classic' System
  • 2.8.34 (2020-05-24)
    Parse log 'Jump' arrows and tweaks from Ian Lomas, focuses on 'Call' on showing Signals list Joachim Rabe
  • 2.8.33 (2020-05-21)
    Disabled language auto select until translations are complete, more work on logs upload
  • 2.8.32 (2020-05-18)
    More work in readiness for logs upload
  • 2.8.31 (2020-05-17)
    More work in readiness for logs upload
  • 2.8.30 (2020-05-16)
    More work in readiness for logs upload
  • 2.8.29 (2020-05-14)
    More work in readiness for logs upload
  • 2.8.28 (2020-05-12)
    More work in readiness for logs upload
  • 2.8.27 (2020-05-11)
    More work in readiness for logs upload
  • 2.8.26 (2020-05-11)
    More work in readiness for logs upload
  • 2.8.25 (2020-05-10)
    Added links for other Signal Mode Groups
  • 2.8.24 (2020-05-07)
    More work on log uploads for listeners
  • 2.8.23 (2020-05-06)
    More work on log uploads for listeners
  • 2.8.22 (2020-05-03)
    More work on log uploads for listeners
  • 2.8.21 (2020-05-03)
    More work on log uploads for listeners
  • 2.8.20 (2020-05-02)
    More work on log uploads for listeners
  • 2.8.19 (2020-05-01)
    More work on log uploads for listeners
  • 2.8.18 (2020-04-30)
    Added Admin Tools: ICAO Data / Get latest data
  • 2.8.17 (2020-04-28)
    Added Admin Tools: System / Send test email
  • 2.8.16 (2020-04-27)
    Bug fix for Admin Tols - Listeners / Update Stats (Thanks Patric for bug report)
  • 2.8.15 (2020-04-27)
    Bug fix for Map entity following column change
  • 2.8.14 (2020-04-27)
    Added Admin Tools - System backup (old took 11 minutes, new takes 45 seconds)
  • 2.8.13 (2020-04-25)
    Some refactoring for translations, added Tools: Listeners / Update stats
  • 2.8.12 (2020-04-24)
    Added redirects for 'admin' URLs, implemented Logs - Mark daytime loggings
  • 2.8.11 (2020-04-23)
    Added Favicons - Thanks Vernon for the prompting
  • 2.8.10 (2020-04-23)
    Signals: Update stats now only applies spec changes for mysql 5.6 and later
  • 2.8.9 (2020-04-22)
    Admin Tools - Signal Update Stats Log order now respects time as well
  • 2.8.8 (2020-04-22)
    Admin Tools - Signal Update Stats - now includes spec and performance improvements
  • 2.8.7 (2020-04-22)
    Added 'Save + Close' to listener and signal forms
  • 2.8.6 (2020-04-21)
    Admin tools - Signal Stats update, Signals: Export as txt, timezone filter fix
  • 2.8.5 (2020-04-21)
    Admin tools nw show time and memory taken
  • 2.8.4 (2020-04-21)
    Fixed sharing of Timezone filter having value of '0' in Listeners listing and map
  • 2.8.3 (2020-04-19)
    More refactoring, added tool for Logs DX settings - much improved from original
  • 2.8.3 (2020-04-19)
    More refactoring, added tool for Logs DX settings - much improved from original
  • 2.8.2 (2020-04-19)
    Major refactoring to eliminate duplication of auto-wiring in child classes
  • 2.8.1 (2020-04-18)
    Admin resources now force login first, completed Signals Update Lat / Lon from GSQ
  • 2.8.0 (2020-04-18)
    Added links for NDB List and begun Admin Management Tools
  • 2.7.9 (2020-04-17)
    Timezone now has standard order and formatted in list
  • 2.7.8 (2020-04-17)
    Added Australian Central Western Time
  • 2.7.7 (2020-04-17)
    Listeners Timezone is now a dropdown option, can filter by timezone in listeners list
  • 2.7.6 (2020-04-16)
    Updated JQuery UI to include all options
  • 2.7.5 (2020-04-14)
    A bit more work towards implementing Listener Add Logs
  • 2.7.4 (2020-04-13)
    Listeners Signal Type counts now show in colour
  • 2.7.3 (2020-04-13)
    Listeners and Signals now have their own responsive breakpoints
  • 2.7.2 (2020-04-13)
    Responsive modes for Listeners and more consistent tab icons
  • 2.7.1 (2020-04-12)
    Signals and Listeners tabs have icons and now responsive with three levels of contraction
  • 2.7.0 (2020-04-11)
    First stab at responsive layout for Signals
  • 2.6.4 (2020-04-11)
    Composer Updates
  • 2.6.3 (2020-04-11)
    Added Listeners filter highlighting, share link, Admin filter for RWW on 'Has Logs'
  • 2.6.2 (2020-04-10)
    Bigger Listener window to fit Signals Map, JS lint warning fixes
  • 2.6.1 (2020-04-10)
    Bug fix for listener Signals maps and autozoom to signals shown - thanks Anders H for bug report!
  • 2.6.0 (2020-04-10)
    Sharable Links now completed in modal dialog, calendar icons fixed, range units now shows correctly
  • 2.5.1 (2020-04-08)
    Unit test fix
  • 2.5.0 (2020-04-08)
    GET var sanitisation, maps zoom to bounds
  • 2.4.2 (2020-04-06)
    Formatting fixes for offsets, much improved logs.txt dump
  • 2.4.1 (2020-04-02)
    Log add / del updates improved, signals now shows approx offsets
  • 2.4.0 (2020-03-31)
    Added Signals Listeners Count, Log Delete now heals signal specs
  • 2.3.5 (2020-03-30)
    Fixed unit tests
  • Merge (2020-03-30)
    branch 'master' of
  • 2.3.4 (2020-03-30)
    Implemented Signal Log Delete and some self-healing
  • Merge (2020-03-30)
    pull request #9 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/security-http-4.4.7
  • Merge (2020-03-30)
    pull request #8 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/http-foundation-4.4.7
  • Bump (2020-03-30)
    symfony/security-http from 4.4.5 to 4.4.7
  • Bump (2020-03-30)
    symfony/http-foundation from 4.4.5 to 4.4.7
  • 2.3.3 (2020-03-29)
    Menu css tweaks, 'switcher fix for admin options'
  • 2.3.2 (2020-03-29)
    'Less' CSS file Refactoring, better responsive layout for menu
  • 2.3.1 (2020-03-29)
    Bug fix for Listeners List - 'Show Counts' types
  • 2.3.0 (2020-03-29)
    More work on responsive layout - Menu now mobile friendly
  • 2.2.2 (2020-03-29)
    Better sanitization of valid listenerIDs for signals GET requests
  • 2.2.1 (2020-03-28)
    Bugs - spelling of Scandinavia and selection of NO types of signal
  • 2.2.0 (2020-03-27)
    Revamped Signals GET request system, js/css requsts now versioned
  • 2.1.5 (2020-03-27)
    Form field simplifications - 'type_' prefix removed from types
  • 2.1.4 (2020-03-25)
    NPM Updates and new translations
  • 2.1.3 (2020-03-25)
    Bug fixes for Personalise with Signals map and Seeklist
  • 2.1.2 (2020-03-25)
    Signals actions now at top of signals listing
  • 2.1.1 (2020-03-25)
    Tweaks to Listener Signals Map to make it fit better
  • 2.1.0 (2020-03-25)
    Work towards implementing Listener Logs Upload
  • 2.0.13 (2020-03-24)
    CLE page now has links for csv export output
  • 2.0.12 (2020-03-24)
    Bug fix for filtering by Listener 'Logged By' / 'Not Logged By'
  • 2.0.11 (2020-03-23)
    Bug fix for whole system csv export
  • 2.0.10 (2020-03-23)
    Signals Export now includes 'Personalise' columns for DX and Deg
  • 2.0.9 (2020-03-23)
    Fixed 'Personalise' name to be searchable and handle special chars
  • 2.0.8 (2020-03-23)
    Signals List Performance improvements
  • 2.0.7 (2020-03-23)
    Made Listener and Signal Profile forms look nicer for non-admins
  • 2.0.6 (2020-03-22)
    Signals Form radio buttons fix, added 'Export Matched as .csv'
  • 2.0.5 (2020-03-22)
    Responsive layout for Version / Switcher panel
  • 2.0.4 (2020-03-22)
    CLE changes - major refactoring and responsive layout
  • 2.0.3 (2020-03-22)
    CLE Coordinators added, 'Logged Off' msg alertbox, Listener update stats fix
  • 2.0.2 (2020-03-21)
    Updated Symfony to 4.4.5, logged on message now in alertbox format
  • 2.0.1 (2020-03-21)
    Fixed PHP Unit Tests and 'Latest Logs' for listeners without S/P
  • 2.0.0 (2020-03-21)
    Restarted version number at 2.0.0 to clarify Classic vs New
  • 1.1.2 (2020-03-21)
    Highlights version switch as before
  • Merge (2020-03-21)
    branch 'master' of
  • 1.1.1 (2020-03-21)
    Now shows RXX-2 Version using Git, fix for classic Listener's map
  • 1.1.1 (2020-03-21)
    Now shows RXX-2 Version using Git, fix for classic Listener's map
  • 1.1.0 (2020-03-19)
    Implemented Listener Logs Delete and made some bug fixes
  • 1.0.6 (2020-03-19)
    More columns, consistency in csv exports, added Signals csv export
  • 1.0.5 (2020-03-19)
    Listener Signal Maps export URL changes, and map width fix
  • 1.0.4 (2020-03-19)
    Listener Logs exports now include Daytime column
  • 1.0.3 (2020-03-19)
    Listener Signal / Logs export URL changes and added type
  • 1.0.2 (2020-03-18)
    Fix for redundant h-scroll caused by sr-only legend (thx Scott W)
  • 1.0.1 (2020-03-18)
    Signals sort now correct onload, inactive style changed
  • 1.0.0 (2020-03-18)
    Updates to Classic / New mode switcher, and first public release
  • 0.46.0 (2020-03-17)
    Added 'New / Classic' mode switcher in prep for soft launch
  • 0.45.1 (2020-03-17)
    Listener Signals now shows logged distances
  • 0.45.0 (2020-03-17)
    Listener Signals now uses MVC layer and has listing
  • 0.44.2 (2020-03-16)
    Work on changing Listener Signals to NOT use buggy KML layers
  • 0.44.1 (2020-03-16)
    Signals map now has switchable types and active status
  • 0.44.0 (2020-03-15)
    Revamped Signals Map work like Listeners Map
  • 0.43.13 (2020-03-13)
    Bug fix for Legacy Listener Signals Map due to JQuery update
  • 0.43.12 (2020-03-13)
    Bug fix for Legacy Listener Signals Map after JS Refactoring
  • 0.43.11 (2020-03-13)
    Deprecated old controller and template for listener signals map
  • 0.43.10 (2020-03-13)
    Refactoring of Listener Signals Map
  • 0.43.9 (2020-03-13)
    JS specific to SL Map now moved to that object
  • 0.43.8 (2020-03-12)
    Refactored Signal Listeners Map = now JS generated, 5KB saving
  • 0.43.7 (2020-03-12)
    Made map pins transparent, grid now under pins on signals map
  • 0.43.6 (2020-03-12)
    Fix to allow Central America to be placed on Location Map
  • 0.43.5 (2020-03-12)
    Fix to allow Hawaii to be placed on Location Map
  • 0.43.4 (2020-03-12)
    Reception map now shows daytime loggings
  • 0.43.3 (2020-03-12)
    Awards JS refactoring
  • 0.43.2 (2020-03-12)
    Locator Map and Listener Map refactoring
  • 0.43.1 (2020-03-11)
    Completed Emailing of Award Requests
  • Revert (2020-03-10)
    "0.43.0 Begun implementation of Email"
  • 0.43.0 (2020-03-10)
    Begun implementation of Email
  • 0.42.19 (2020-03-09)
    Cart operations complete - almost ready to send message
  • 0.42.18 (2020-03-08)
    Added Transcontinental awards and expand / collapse all links
  • 0.42.17 (2020-03-07)
    Bug fix for Daytime Awards
  • 0.42.16 (2020-03-07)
    Bug fix for ranges in Transpacific Awards
  • 0.42.15 (2020-03-07)
    Awards: Refactoring, added Transatlantic and Transpacific Awards
  • 0.42.14 (2020-03-06)
    Awards - Refactoring and added North of 60 and LT awards
  • 0.42.13 (2020-03-06)
    Awards - Fixed country awards with required qualifiers
  • 0.42.12 (2020-03-06)
    Awards - Added filtering of specific type or types via URL param
  • 0.42.11 (2020-03-05)
    Awards - Refactoring to NOT use CleRepository for awards spec
  • 0.42.10 (2020-03-04)
    Awards - Added Benelux Countries code with required matches
  • 0.42.9 (2020-03-03)
    Awards - Added Countries Awards, not Benelux yet due to combo
  • 0.42.8 (2020-03-03)
    Awards - Refactoring to simplify award setup
  • 0.42.7 (2020-03-02)
    Awards - unqualified entries now greyed out
  • 0.42.6 (2020-03-02)
    Awards refactoring to reduce file count and complexity
  • 0.42.5 (2020-03-01)
    Added 8 Continental Awards
  • 0.42.4 (2020-03-01)
    Listener Map now unavailable if no known QTH - (Rep Peter Conway)
  • 0.42.3 (2020-03-01)
    Listener Awards: Implemented Show / Hide for all sections
  • 0.42.2 (2020-03-01)
    Listener Awards: Long Ranger
  • 0.42.1 (2020-03-01)
    Listener Awards: Daytime, also added daytime indication in logs
  • 0.42.0 (2020-02-29)
    More work on Listener Awards
  • 0.41.5 (2020-02-29)
    Listeners with No Map Pos filter excludes AZR and SVB
  • 0.41.4 (2020-02-28)
    Bug fix for jogging placed marker in Listener Locator map
  • 0.41.3 (2020-02-27)
    hasMapPos fiter now just for EU and NA, linked map pos in grid
  • 0.41.2 (2020-02-27)
    Added Listener Map Locator edit form with joystick controls
  • 0.41.1 (2020-02-27)
    Bug fix for non-admins viewing Listeners List form
  • 0.41.0 (2020-02-27)
    Admins can now filter listeners on 'Has Map Pos'
  • 0.40.4 (2020-02-27)
    More robust listener map point name highlighting
  • 0.40.3 (2020-02-26)
    Listener maps now indicate listener when hovering over map point
  • 0.40.2 (2020-02-26)
    Bug fix for no listeners matched, and sort by Listener Signals DX
  • 0.40.1 (2020-02-25)
    Listener Maps now zoom in on markers and have marker highlighting
  • 0.40.0 (2020-02-24)
    Begun implementation of Google-based Listener Map mode
  • 0.39.5 (2020-02-22)
    Tweak for Listener Signals Map kml file export
  • 0.39.4 (2020-02-22)
    Added .csv export modes for Listener Logs and Signals
  • 0.39.3 (2020-02-21)
    Moved sources for JS and CSS into src and updated Grunt
  • 0.39.3 (2020-02-21)
    Moved sources for JS and CSS into src and updated Grunt
  • 0.39.2 (2020-02-20)
    Bug fix for Listener List showing entities in names
  • 0.39.1 (2020-02-18)
    Bug fix for Listener Tabs in Admin mode
  • 0.39.0 (2020-02-18)
    Added placeholders for Listeners Map and Listener Awards
  • 0.38.4 (2020-02-17)
    Fully integrated Listener's map into Listeners popup
  • 0.38.3 (2020-02-17)
    New Listener Signals Export, export in Listener Logs and Signals
  • 0.38.2 (2020-02-17)
    Signal and Listener logs now properly scrollable with 1K limit
  • 0.38.1 (2020-02-17)
    Bug fix for decimal places on absolute offsets and better Reset
  • 0.38.0 (2020-02-17)
    Signals sections collapse if unused, plus many bug fixes
  • 0.37.8 (2020-02-16)
    Signals and Listeners forms centred, stats now listed in tips.
  • 0.37.7 (2020-02-15)
    Streamlined redirectors and namespaced all controllers
  • 0.37.6 (2020-02-15)
    Consolidated maps URLs for popup maps under /maps/
  • 0.37.5 (2020-02-15)
    Tidy up of CLE Page
  • 0.37.4 (2020-02-15)
    Composer Update
  • 0.37.3 (2020-02-15)
    Completed implementation of CLE filtering
  • 0.37.2 (2020-02-14)
    Signals list now has RWW Continent Focus, CLE controls updated
  • 0.37.1 (2020-02-14)
    More work on CLE
  • 0.37.0 (2020-02-10)
    Started work on CLE
  • 0.36.2 (2020-02-09)
    Completed Signal Reception maps with point highlighting
  • 0.36.1 (2020-02-08)
    Eradicated last traces of encore webpack and shrunk signals form
  • 0.36.0 (2020-02-08)
    New version of grunt without symfony/webpack-encore
  • 0.35.8 (2020-02-03)
    More work on Signal Reception Maps - scrollable listeners table
  • 0.35.7 (2020-02-02)
    More work on Signal Reception Maps - scrollable listeners table
  • 0.35.6 (2020-02-01)
    Secured access to admin resources
  • 0.35.5 (2020-02-01)
    Upgrade to Symfony 4.4.4
  • 0.35.4 (2020-02-01)
    More on Signal Maps, fix for locale param check and JS fixes
  • 0.35.3 (2020-02-01)
    Added reception maps and google maps tabs to Signal Popup
  • 0.35.2 (2020-02-01)
    Code simplifications through better use of doctrine
  • 0.35.1 (2020-02-01)
    Now displays NA and EU signal maps, but not yet interactive
  • 0.35.0 (2020-01-28)
    Start of Signal Listeners Map
  • 0.34.0 (2020-01-22)
    Signals GSQ Map and filtering on KHZ, SP and ITU column values
  • 0.33.2 (2020-01-21)
    Countries and States popups now populate Signals Form if opener
  • 0.33.1 (2020-01-17)
    Fix (hopefully) for segmentation fault in PHP Unit Ref:
  • 0.33.0 (2020-01-16)
    Fixed existing Unit Tests and some deprecations
  • 0.32.3 (2020-01-16)
    Added Signal Weather and logic to hide tab if location unknown
  • 0.32.2 (2020-01-15)
    Moved all redirectors to their own class, phpdoc updates
  • 0.32.1 (2020-01-15)
    Uopgraded to Symfony 4.4.2, added Signal Listeners, i18n updates
  • 0.32.0 (2020-01-08)
    Signals now render from entities, also added Signal Logs
  • Merge (2020-01-05)
    pull request #7 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/security-http-4.3.9
  • Merge (2020-01-05)
    pull request #6 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/mime-4.4.1
  • Merge (2020-01-05)
    pull request #5 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/http-foundation-4.4.1
  • Merge (2020-01-05)
    pull request #4 from classaxe/dependabot/composer/symfony/cache-4.3.9
  • 0.31.1 (2020-01-04)
    Added ability for admin to see unlogged signals or everything
  • 0.31.0 (2020-01-01)
    Streamlined all popups, now has sp and itu lists for signal view
  • 0.30.4 (2020-01-01)
    Popups work for signals and listeners, can create new signals
  • 0.30.3 (2019-12-29)
    Signal Details saves, Listener save fixes, added some CSRF fixes
  • 0.30.2 (2019-12-29)
    Signal Details now custom formatted for better use of space
  • 0.30.1 (2019-12-15)
    More work on Signal Details
  • Bump (2019-12-02)
    symfony/security-http from 4.3.4 to 4.3.9
  • Bump (2019-12-02)
    symfony/mime from 4.3.4 to 4.4.1
  • Bump (2019-12-02)
    symfony/http-foundation from 4.3.4 to 4.4.1
  • Bump (2019-12-02)
    symfony/cache from 4.3.4 to 4.3.9
  • 0.30.0 (2019-12-02)
    Start of Signal Details
  • 0.29.8 (2019-12-02)
    Translation fixes
  • 0.29.7 (2019-12-01)
    Simplified code for Listener View
  • 0.29.6 (2019-11-23)
    Fix for sorting in Listeners, Listener Logs and Listener Signals
  • 0.29.5 (2019-11-20)
    Tidied up countries and states templates
  • 0.29.4 (2019-11-20)
    Tidied up maps templates a bit
  • 0.29.3 (2019-11-19)
    Now automatically scrolls to results area when 'show' mode is set
  • 0.29.2 (2019-11-19)
    Now sets default paper size for each system for Signals Seeklist
  • 0.29.1 (2019-11-18)
    More changes following refactoring
  • 0.29.0 (2019-11-17)
    Major refactoring for Signals to enable all form values to be set via simple GET parameter request - needed for CLE
  • 0.28.3 (2019-11-10)
    Default 'list' now assumed for Signals when 'show' not given
  • 0.28.2 (2019-11-09)
    Paper Size now only seen in seeklist, Show Modes is now hidden
  • 0.28.1 (2019-11-06)
    Seeklist now has another paper size selector within the frame
  • 0.28.0 (2019-11-02)
    First working version of Seeklist
  • 0.27.15 (2019-09-27)
    New icons for that indicate active / inactive for each signal type
  • 0.27.14 (2019-09-21)
    More work on seeklist and a new cache busting attempt for kml listener map layers
  • 0.27.13 (2019-09-19)
    Added header titles for signal modes showing listener name when personalised
  • 0.27.12 (2019-09-17)
    More work on seeklist - now shows stats and totals for selected listener and filter criteria
  • 0.27.11 (2019-09-17)
    More work on Seeklist and fixed some HTML validation issues
  • 0.27.9 (2019-09-16)
    More work on Seeklist and making layout 'print-friendly' by showing and hiding specific sections
  • 0.27.8 (2019-09-14)
    Default paper size now set per system, printing improved
  • 0.27.7 (2019-09-13)
    More work on adding Seeklist mode - now has paper size selector and a Paper repository for page sizes
  • 0.27.6 (2019-09-10)
    Folded code from markerCluster.js into main minified functions.js and simplified
  • 0.27.5 (2019-09-07)
    Added Personalisation to Signal Maps
  • 0.27.4 (2019-09-07)
    Fix for deprecation warning for Dotenv
  • 0.27.3 (2019-09-07)
    Bug fix to allow range to be set when GSQ is set by 'Personalise' action changes
  • 0.27.2 (2019-09-07)
    Improved form layout, 'Customise' now 'Personalise' and 'Personalise For' now sets GSQ and highlights row
  • 0.27.1 (2019-09-06)
    Completed work adding 'Customise for'
  • 0.27.0 (2019-09-06)
    Started work adding 'Customise for' to marked signals reported by the selected listener
  • 0.26.1 (2019-09-02)
    Completed initial version of Signals Map
  • 0.26.0 (2019-09-02)
    Working towards implementation of Signals Listing Map mode
  • 0.25.2 (2019-09-02)
    Security patching
  • 0.25.1 (2019-09-02)
    Removed support for heard_in_xx and completed support for heard_in_an
  • Merge (2019-09-01)
    pull request #3 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mixin-deep-1.3.2
  • 0.25.0 (2019-09-01)
    Added stats panels for Signals list and upgraded syfony to 4.3.4
  • 0.24.0 (2019-08-30)
    Added highlighting for signals of matched terms and daylight reception
  • Bump (2019-08-28)
    mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
  • 0.23.3 (2019-08-26)
    Minor CSS changes for menu to prevent wrapping with language changes
  • 0.23.2 (2019-08-26)
    Updated translations to put translated strings and front and standardise 'Logon' to 'Log On'
  • 0.23.1 (2019-08-24)
    Implemented Offsets display for absolute or relative, together with correct ordering
  • Merge (2019-08-24)
    branch 'master' of
  • 0.23.0 (2019-08-24)
    Added missing translations, marked listeners list as no translation required
  • 0.23.0 (2019-08-24)
    Added Active status filtering and controls for list / map and offset display
  • Merge (2019-08-17)
    pull request #1 from classaxe/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/lodash-4.17.15
  • Bump (2019-08-18)
    lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.15
  • 0.22.0 (2019-08-17)
    Security patching
  • 0.21.9 (2019-08-17)
    Disabled debug mode
  • 0.21.8 (2019-08-17)
    Added filters for 'Heard In' and logged dates and all now handled with parameterised queries
  • 0.21.7 (2019-08-11)
    Completed filtering for 'heard by / not heard by'
  • 0.21.6 (2019-08-07)
    Implemented basic filtering on 'heard by listeners'
  • 0.21.5 (2019-06-07)
    Added Listener selection options for Signals
  • 0.21.4 (2019-05-25)
    Updated translations
  • 0.21.3 (2019-05-25)
    Implemented filtering on range and eliminated variable passing
  • 0.21.2 (2019-05-25)
    Fixed sorting for dynamic fields
  • 0.21.1 (2019-05-22)
    More refactoring for straight PDO in Signals report
  • 0.21.0 (2019-04-14)
    Start of refactoring for signals to NOT use ORM for search results
  • 0.20.5 (2019-03-12)
    Now respects combiner clause between state and country for Signals List
  • 0.20.4 (2019-03-11)
    Fix for field grouping label in Listeners form, log count links now link to theirt respective filtered types
  • 0.20.3 (2019-03-11)
    Bug fix for missing popup parameters in Listener List, performamce tweak for Signals List
  • 0.20.2 (2019-03-11)
    Added state and province filtering, and made countries multiple in Signals filtering
  • 0.20.1 (2019-03-10)
    Added Frequency Channel filtering
  • 0.20.0 (2019-03-07)
    Added Frequency Range Filtering
  • 0.19.5 (2019-03-04)
    Added 'Clear' button to Signals and Listeners listings.
  • 0.19.4 (2019-03-02)
    Fixed some mismatched references for signal types and tweak translations a bit
  • 0.19.3 (2019-03-01)
    Fixed incorrectly prefixed translations for English
  • 0.19.2 (2019-03-01)
    Simplified references information to take up less space and retranslated those labels
  • 0.19.1 (2019-03-01)
    References now shown for selected signal types
  • 0.19.0 (2019-03-01)
    Added signal filtering on callsign, and 'inactive' signal indication in results
  • 0.18.6 (2019-03-01)
    More translations and replaced some to be parameterised
  • 0.18.5 (2019-03-01)
    More translations added
  • 0.18.4 (2019-03-01)
    More translations added
  • 0.18.3 (2019-03-01)
    More translations added
  • 0.18.2 (2019-02-27)
    More improvements to System Info page, css now in less file, now icludes symfony version in readout
  • 0.18.1 (2019-02-27)
    Added System Info for admins
  • 0.18.0 (2019-02-23)
    Accessibility improvements: signal types options are now in a fieldset, page has regions and 'skip to main' link
  • 0.17.3 (2019-02-23)
    Composer update to fetch newly fixed version of gpslabs module and remove deprecation warnings
  • 0.17.2 (2019-02-23)
    Tidy up of various customisations, email obfuscation now via custom twig filter
  • 0.17.1 (2019-02-21)
    More columns for signals report
  • 0.17.0 (2019-02-21)
    Added new columns for Signals report, some CSS changes for grid
  • 0.16.9 (2019-02-20)
    Now writes language string to HTML tag, made mixed case extension in composer all lowercase
  • 0.16.8 (2019-02-10)
    More translated text added and css tweaks to accomodate more verbose languages
  • 0.16.7 (2019-02-10)
    Fixed PHP Unit test following locale default selection changes
  • 0.16.6 (2019-02-10)
    Languages for auto selection now sourced from Language Repository, added fallback routes for non-localised signals and listeners lists
  • 0.16.5 (2019-02-10)
    Provided for automatic language selection based on user's browser preferences
  • 0.16.4 (2019-02-10)
    Composer update and removed symfony/lts as not needed and deprecated
  • 0.16.3 (2019-02-09)
    Language menu style tweaks and added first translations for DE and ES
  • 0.16.2 (2019-02-09)
    Fixed PHPUnit tests and gotten language switching actually working
  • 0.16.1 (2019-02-09)
    More work on translatons - all paths are now locale prefixed in prep for language switching
  • 0.16.0 (2019-02-09)
    Begun work on translation mechanisms
  • 0.15.0 (2019-02-08)
    Upgraded to Symfony 4.2 and dealt with all deprecations
  • 0.14.4 (2019-01-10)
    More work on less css - almost complete and removed and simlified some rules
  • 0.14.2 (2019-01-27)
    Tweaks to gruntfile for more descriptive file headers
  • 0.14.1 (2019-01-27)
    CSS now generated via .less file and scores 100% on lighthouse a11y audit due to colour tweaks
  • 0.14.0 (2019-01-23)
    Added grunt minified js functions
  • 0.14.0 (2019-01-19)
    Begun installation of Grunt as a dependency to minify files
  • 0.13.1 (2018-11-21)
    First version that lists signals - countries list filtered for those having signals heard in the chosen system
  • 0.13.0 (2018-11-13)
    Refactoring of controllers and forms
  • 0.12.11 (2018-11-13)
    Updated PHP unit tests, listenr stats no longer show for listeners without any
  • 0.12.10 (2018-11-12)
    Listeners Report - links now all generated in entity and includes signals and logs
  • 0.12.9 (2018-11-12)
    Fixed setting of listener lat / lon from GSQ
  • 0.12.8 (2018-11-12)
    Fixed layout issues with paging on Listeners report, implemented html5 error-checking for fields
  • 0.12.7 (2018-11-11)
    More tweaks for listeners paging - still problems with control alignment
  • 0.12.6 (2018-11-09)
    Simplified paging control code
  • 0.12.5 (2018-11-09)
    CSS tweaks prior to further code refactoring to remove parallel control for page selection
  • 0.12.4 (2018-11-08)
    Page size and page controls now generated using JS
  • 0.12.3 (2018-11-08)
    Small tidy up prior to code simplification
  • 0.12.2 (2018-11-08)
    More work on paging
  • 0.12.1 (2018-11-01)
    Working towards having paging with filtering for listeners report
  • 0.12.0 (2018-10-30)
    Added listener stats, fixed signal type ordering, set listener logs / signals default limit to 20 to fit window
  • 0.11.2 (2018-10-29)
    Completed listener weather - needs composer install to deploy this build for new sql doctrine functions library installation
  • 0.11.1 (2018-10-28)
    Streamlined valid listener tests and hid certain tabs when listener has no logged data
  • 0.11.0 (2018-10-28)
    Start of adding weather data for listener
  • 0.10.27 (2018-10-28)
    Fix for KML file icons when rendered outside a web browser
  • 0.10.26 (2018-10-28)
    Added download KML file link, refactored JS for reuse of some components and made page layour more responsive
  • 0.10.25 (2018-10-27)
    Bug fix for hide / show of QTH
  • 0.10.24 (2018-10-27)
    Bug fix for switching layers when inactve is disabled
  • 0.10.23 (2018-10-27)
    Added ability to select / delect inactive signals on listener map
  • 0.10.22 (2018-10-27)
    Preparations for showing active filtered signals on listener signals map
  • 0.10.21 (2018-10-27)
    No longer shows signals without lat / lng, now also provides for filtering on active / inactive status
  • 0.10.20 (2018-10-26)
    Minor accessibility tweaks
  • 0.10.19 (2018-10-26)
    Moved inner working of Listener Signals Map inside shared static JS file for better cache performance
  • 0.10.18 (2018-10-26)
    CSS tweak to keep Grid layer text beneath any popup windows
  • 0.10.17 (2018-10-26)
    Added copyright footer to listener map
  • 0.10.16 (2018-10-26)
    Added grid labels and map key legend, css tidy up
  • 0.10.15 (2018-10-26)
    Now includes switchable grid and QTH, still needs grid code idents to be added
  • 0.10.14 (2018-10-25)
    Added Map link column for Listener's Report
  • 0.10.13 (2018-10-25)
    Refactored types, type chooser for listener signals maps now correctly labeled and styled
  • 0.10.12 (2018-10-24)
    Added switching of signal type layers
  • 0.10.11 (2018-10-24)
    Signal types now in different layers to allow switching later
  • 0.10.10 (2018-10-24)
    Alpha fix for map markers, now clearly marks inactive sigansl as inactive in descriptions
  • 0.10.9 (2018-10-24)
    Fix for colour coding of map icons for Google's aabbggrr format
  • 0.10.8 (2018-10-24)
    Maps now colour codes each type of signal and differentiates between active and inactve
  • 0.10.7 (2018-10-24)
    Now uses built-in html_entity_decode function rather than manually created translation table for preparing kml files
  • 0.10.6 (2018-10-22)
    Improvements made for KML export and Google maps view of stations for listener
  • 0.10.5 (2018-10-20)
    Now has Google map as one of the options for Listener Export
  • 0.10.4 (2018-10-20)
    Mime type change for Google Maps KML sations export for listeners
  • 0.10.3 (2018-10-20)
    Moved templates into folders, implemented KML Signals export
  • 0.10.2 (2018-10-20)
    Refactored controllers for admin, listener and ndbweblog into own folders
  • 0.10.1 (2018-10-20)
    Removed some unused namespace references, tidied up ndbweblog twig js templates
  • 0.10.0 (2018-10-19)
    Added Listener Export tab with files and links for NDB Weblog and placeholders for other formats
  • 0.9.14 (2018-10-19)
    Paging now working properly, time to move on to the next challenges...
  • 0.9.13 (2018-10-17)
    Changes to paging options to use a callback to adjust page options after seeing what page limit is set to
  • 0.9.12 (2018-10-04)
    Reverted experimental server-side linked page limit setting
  • 0.9.11 (2018-09-28)
    Added stopwatch for memory monitoring of API calls, no longer tries to log all entities
  • 0.9.10 (2018-09-04)
    Fix for showing 'all' and some JS magic to reset paging when limit is changed, and hide altogether if limit is 'show all'
  • 0.9.9 (2018-09-04)
    Partially implemented paging for Listener ogs and Listener Signals - still needs to respond dynamically to page size changes
  • 0.9.8 (2018-09-04)
    Begun work adding paging to Listener Logs report
  • 0.9.7 (2018-09-03)
    CSS changes for IE browser vertical text and selector dropdowns
  • 0.9.6 (2018-09-03)
    Moved column definitions into new namespaced classes, fixed 'add' listener url path, added auto clipped content elipsis function
  • 0.9.5 (2018-09-02)
    Added Listener Logs to listener form, need to add paging still
  • 0.9.4 (2018-09-02)
    Added sort actions and sorted column highlighting for listener signals
  • 0.9.3 (2018-09-02)
    Changed urls for individual listeners to listeners/{id} to be consistemt with naming for restful api endpoint
  • 0.9.2 (2018-09-01)
    Updated connection help instructions to include creating symlink for mysql socket
  • 0.9.1 (2018-09-01)
    Added database setup help steps for people making new installations
  • 0.9.0 (2018-08-31)
    Bugun implementation of RESTful API using FOS Rest Bundle
  • 0.8.5 (2018-08-21)
    First operational version with listener's signals listing - still needs custom sorting and type highlighting
  • 0.8.4 (2018-08-19)
    Completed rework on NDB weblog for RXX symfony, now fully operational.
  • 0.8.3 (2018-08-18)
    Re-organised some templates for clarity of purpose
  • 0.8.2 (2018-08-17)
    Begun to add support of weblog export for listeners
  • 0.8.1 (2018-08-17)
    Completed listener edit / add / delete
  • 0.8.0 (2018-08-16)
    More work on listener edit / details view
  • 0.7.14 (2018-07-29)
    Consolidated region, country and state functionality into repository files and removed service file for those entities
  • 0.7.13 (2018-07-28)
    Tests now complete for all completed functions, changed URLs for some modes
  • 0.7.12 (2018-07-27)
    New tests for Country Locator and SP Locator and greatly improved test result clarity
  • 0.7.11 (2018-07-21)
    Tests now as public and admin
  • 0.7.10 (2018-07-15)
    Email links now pass validation, code includes first form-based unit tests
  • 0.7.9 (2018-07-12)
    PSR-2 fixes, PHP Unit Testing started and working - phpunit.xml.dis still needs to read from .env to avoid committing DB DSN string
  • 0.7.8 (2018-07-02)
    Listener List countries now only show those with listeners in them
  • 0.7.7 (2018-07-02)
    Begun work on listener edit / view popup screens, html now completely valid
  • 0.7.6 (2018-07-01)
    Listeners list now shows maps chooser and latest logs for admin users to see
  • 0.7.5 (2018-06-28)
    More work on general help
  • 0.7.5 (2018-06-27)
    Added regular user help - more needs to be done here
  • 0.7.4 (2018-06-26)
    Got column sorting that ignores blanks working properly now.
  • 0.7.3 (2018-06-26)
    Region and Country selectors are now properly linked
  • 0.7.2 (2018-06-26)
    Completed logon / logoff function, uses .env or server environment to set username / password
  • 0.7.1 (2018-06-25)
    Added login / logout concepts, admin-dependent menu items and columns
  • 0.7.0 (2018-06-23)
    Added dynamic footer to all pages and standardised repository function names
  • 0.6.4 (2018-06-23)
    Systems and Modes now live in their own repos, menu now created dynamically based on those options
  • 0.6.3 (2018-06-21)
    Twig template changes - now extends from main or popup, also print formatting fixes and added Total Signals in listeners report
  • 0.6.2 (2018-06-21)
    Moved map details into new maps repo, created more formatted getters in Listener entity for Listeners List
  • 0.6.1 (2018-06-20)
    Listener report now fully automated and column sorting is now working correctly.
  • 0.6.0 (2018-06-19)
    Listener List now supports rudimentary sorting - needs more work.
  • 0.5.0 (2018-06-19)
    Listener List is the first manager with an operating grid output.
  • 0.4.3 (2018-06-19)
    Listeners list now filters and siaplays count of results, but not actual grid just yet.
  • 0.4.2 (2018-06-19)
    Listener form now in its own class, twig elements overridden, jquery added with form setup styling and events
  • 0.4.1 (2018-06-18)
    Listener List now uses form builder in controller and styled
  • 0.4.0 (2018-06-18)
    Menu system styled correctly, started work on Listeners List page - no results yet.
  • 0.3.0 (2018-06-15)
    Completed maps and popup maps, added skeleton of a menu system that can switch between systems
  • 0.2.0 (2018-06-14)
    Now includes foundation.css resonsive framework - show_itu and show_sp are now screensize responsive
  • 0.1.3 (2018-06-11)
    Moved collection creation code out of controllers and into services following code review by Vic Metcalfe
  • 0.1.2 (2018-06-11)
    Removed in-page twig generated css and made this a single static css asset
  • 0.1.1 (2018-06-11)
    Implemented show_sp, refactored controller logic into services following chat with Vic Metcalfe
  • 0.1.1 (2018-06-11)
    Implemented show_sp, refactored controller logic into services following chat with Vic Metcalfe
  • 0.1.0 (2018-06-08)
    Initial implementation of doctrine-based twig renderer - show_itu function
  • 0.1.0 (2018-06-08)
    Initial implementation of doctrine-based twig renderer - show_itu function
  • 0.0.1 (2018-06-08)
    Initial commit with some basic redirects and twig templates