Signals | Log Session 14844
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KHz ID LSB USB Sec. Fmt. Location S/P ITU Region GSQ Power Logs Notes Latest by Listener Last Heard KM Miles Deg
385 DXB 1041 1025 8.051 De Ridder LA USA na EM30hs 1 20090814 - Doug Springfield reports DR/385 has changed to DXB/385 2024-02-24 2024-11-26 3216 1998 117
385 EHM 1036 1039 8.3 Cape Newenham AK ALS na AO88xp 100 1 2024-02-24 2024-12-11 2722 1692 308
385 EMR 1051 1024 7.768 'Emory' Augusta GA USA na EM93al 400 1 2024-02-25 2024-12-08 3798 2360 101
385 HO 1048 1014 5.872 'Hossy' Hot Springs AR USA na EM34jk 50 1 HO 385 HOSSY - Hempwallace, AR, serving rwy 05 at Memorial Field Apt - Hot Springs 2024-02-24 2024-10-28 2940 1827 111
385 JD 1060 1026 6.095 'Gooey' Belleville IL USA na EM58dl 1 2024-02-26 2024-11-24 2907 1806 100
385 LN 1063 1026 5.9 'Potts' Lincoln NE USA na EN10or 45 1 !! Decommissioned per NFDD 081 - 1 (04/25/2024) 2024-02-26 2024-02-26 2263 1406 103
385 LUR 1033 1035 8.18 Cape Lisburne AK ALS na AP68xu 1 2024-02-24 2024-02-24 3198 1987 329
385 OCC 1029 1033 8.448 TWEB 'Ocean Cape' Yakutat AK ALS na CO09dn 1 2024-02-24 2024-12-11 1590 988 324
385 UWL 1014 1006 6.514 New Castle IN USA na EM79iv 25 1 2024-02-24 2024-11-23 3142 1953 94
386 HAU 1051 1022 8.102 'Hauser' Helena MT USA na DN46cn 25 1 \'T\' antenna 2024-02-24 2024-11-25 896 557 102
388 CDX 1045 1032 7.925 'Cumberland River' Somerset KY USA na EM76px 25 1 2024-02-24 2024-11-24 3363 2090 98
388 CFJ 1010 1013 7.325 Crawfordsville IN USA na EM69nx 25 1 ULS WQBU305 2024-02-24 2024-12-07 3022 1878 95
389 YWB 407 10.119 DAID Kelowna BC CAN na DN09et 1 !! Phase 12 decom Oct 31 2024 // Still transmitting as of 19Nov24 2024-02-24 2024-12-11 286 178 66
390 AES 8.44 'Nabesna' Northway AK ALS na BP92bx 1 !! Decom per ALASKA NFDD 135 - 2 (07/15/2024) 2024-02-24 2024-09-04 1936 1203 331
390 HBT 1032 1033 8.321 Sand Point (Borland) AK ALS na AO95rh 1 2024-02-24 2024-12-11 2610 1621 300
391 DDP 1034 1041 10.2 ID+6" gap San Juan / Dorado / Luiz Munoz Marin Intl PR PTR ca FK68tl 2000 1 Tony reports ~ 650 offsets 23Oct24 // 3kW Rptd - 200' Vert. // Noted with +/- 600hz offsets 2021/02/04 by VE3GOP // Don noted another offset change 2021/03/05 +1025 / -1009 /// Noted OFF AIR 4/1/2022/// 2024-02-24 2024-12-12 6071 3772 102
391 EAV 8.3 'Evansville' Bettles AK ALS na BP46fv 1 !BTT 10/028 EAV NAV NDB U/S 2410241847-2510311400EST 2024-02-24 2024-02-24 2564 1593 331
391 EEF 1036 1035 8.425 'Elephant' Sisters Island AK ALS na CO28ie 1 2024-02-24 2024-12-11 1302 809 327
392 AGZ 10.53 Wagner SD USA na EN03ub 25 1 Incorrectly keying, repeating cycle sends 9 dashes, 3 dashes, 4 dashes // ULS WPZP253 - License expired Feb 2019 // Still transmitting as of 24Feb24 // Steve R reports +1015 2024-02-24 2024-11-24 2026 1259 99
392 FMZ 1012 1039 6.916 'Beklof' Fairmont NE USA na EN10fo 25 1 2024-02-24 2024-11-24 2217 1378 104
393 BR 1031 1034 6.522 'Depoo' Brownsville TX USA na EL15fx 1 2024-02-24 2024-12-04 3379 2099 129
393 BZ 1036 1022 6.055 'Fossi' Clinton OK USA na EM05jk 25 1 2024-02-25 2024-11-26 2465 1532 118
394 RWO 1034 1026 8.542 TWEB 'Woody Island' Kodiak AK ALS na BO37us 1 2024-02-24 2024-12-11 2144 1332 308
394 SP 402 412 5.349 'Snore' Spencer IA USA na EN23if 1 Fast ID. 20180126 - Don T reports offsets now -412 / +420 2024-02-24 2024-11-24 2235 1389 95
395 OS 1024 1034 6.024 'Pober' Oshkosh WI USA na EN53ru 1 2024-02-24 2024-11-24 2699 1677 88
396 CMJ 1029 1033 7.62 'Clam Cove' Ketchikan AK ALS na CO45di 1 2024-02-24 2024-12-11 922 573 324
397 JE 1050 1028 5.933 'Algoa' Jefferson City MO USA na EM38xn 1 2024-02-24 2024-12-07 2735 1699 102
397 SB 1045 988 5.943 'Petis' San Bernardino CA USA na DM14hb 50 1 'T' antenna; Rptd 25W (WWSU) 2024-02-24 2024-11-23 1716 1066 161
397 ZHA 401 401 10.363 DAID Ancaster (Hamilton) ON CAN na EN93xe 14 1 !! Phase 12 Decom Apr 17 2025// was Oct 31 2024 // 20180101 Tony reports offset of +400 2024-02-24 2024-11-25 3351 2082 84
398 YOD 1049 999 8.35 DAID Cold Lake AB CAN na DO44uj 25 1 Military...not serviced by NAVCAN 2024-02-24 2024-12-14 1086 675 50
399 SRI 1053 1022 7.75 'Pribilof' St George AK ALS na AO56en 50 1 2024-02-24 2024-07-09 3170 1970 303