Listeners for RU-372
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of 16 Listeners
Name ▴ Location S/P ITU GSQ Logs KM Miles
Bob Coomler French Polynesia Cruise XOP BH44ma 1 99 61
Brian Butler HAZELTON BC CAN CO65dk 1 8330 5176
Christoph Mayer N Cal CA USA CM87vk 3 6756 4198
Daniel N Petersen Bay of Islands NI NZL RF74br 1 3979 2472
David Isele Berry Mountain NW AUS QF55hf 1 6050 3759
Dick Palmer Green Valley AZ USA DM41lu 30 6909 4293
Don Tomkinson Upland CA USA DM14ec 28 6691 4157
Edgar J Twining Moonah TA AUS QE37pd 17 6422 3990
Kiwi SDR Point Reyes CA USA CM88mc 18 6784 4215
Kiwi SDR Bay of Islands (Northland Radio) NI NZL RF74br 1 3979 2472
Michael Oexner Easter Island PAQ DG52gu 2 4462 2772
Nick Hacko Kingston NFK RG30xx 1 4352 2704
Steve Ratzlaff Sahuarita AZ USA DM41kw 33 6910 4293
Steve Ratzlaff La Grande, NE Oregon OR USA DN15ai 74 7685 4775
Tom Rothlisberger Manzanita OR USA CN85ar 9 7476 4645
Tom Rothlisberger Grayland WA USA CN76wt 1 7576 4707